The Orbs, the White Figure, and the Shadow People

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It starts again at the beginning of November. It was late in the evening when I was taking my dog out and we were standing by the side of the house that close to the woods. At first I was looking up at the sky, just stargazing until I noticed my dog was looking at the woods. I started to see movement, seeing the outline of their apparition, about two of them moving to my neighbor's yard and back to mine. I pretended to ignore them, ignoring them will make them go away, but out of nowhere I saw a dark shadow figure running behind me, I was standing where the light post was, casting the shadow next to mine. My dog, Ralphie, began to bark. After seeing the shadow, knowing who it is, I began to take my dog and went inside.

During mid November, I was sitting at the counter texting while my dad was cooking. When my dad began to tell one of his stories, catching my attention, I noticed a bright, whitest figure running past him. What's scary now was I saw the figure in the reflection of our toaster oven. I told him what I saw, but yet again. He chooses not to believe.

Yesterday, I felt a lot of presence. I felt like I wasn't alone. Like a small group, not bad, but neutral. So I began to ask them questions, note here that it was during daytime, most activity happens at night or evening. So far no voice, but movement. I started to feel cold and I started to feel as if someone was touching the top of my head. I began to take pictures with the flashlight. "Dust, dust, and more dust..." I thought to myself, but when I noticed one was not right, so I used video. There were a lot that doesn't look like dust particles. I even asked them to follow the light on my phone, some did, some flew towards me, making me feel a weird feeling, so I set up my phone to capture them when I left the room. About two,three, four followed me while there was a few just flying around my room. Later throughout the day, I told my sister what I saw, and her response, "You probably didn't know this, but I've send the white figure walking around upstairs." Makes me wonder, who are they and why are they back in my house?

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