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Ladybug was more than just a pet. She was my friend that I spent fourteen years with, and I will never forget the memories. Ladybug was a fourteen year old beagle that died from cancer. My mom got her right after Baby ran away and my Uncle's death. According to my mom, she picked her because Ladybug was the only one that caught her attention.

Last year on Christmas she passed away, and worse part was we were spending time with my grandparents on that day. When we got home, my best friend was no longer alive, and I got a feeling that every Christmas will shatters my heart. I still miss her.

At the beginning of this year, I started to see her in my dreams. I could remember my first dream about her and the dream took place in my backyard where it was snowing. After the dreams, I've been seeing her.

One night, one of my dogs were barking around ten in the evening. I went to my parents bedroom and decide to take pictures. After I got done, I look through the pictures and found Ladybugs apparition. You could see her eyes, her snout, even her tail. That night my mom, sister, and I started to cry throughout the night.

Couple of months later, my mom saw ladybug. It was during the night and my mom was across the street to talk to our neighbor, Tiffany. According to her, she saw her walking behind my sister. At first she thought it was Chloe, her basset hound, but it wasn't.

At the end of July this year, I was in my room listening to music trying to take a nap, but when I opened up my eyes. I saw her legs walking to my room. I didn't freak out. I just let her walked around.

Some nights you'll see her walking around outside and inside, but one thing I'm happy for is that she doesn't look sick anymore. She looked like she was happy and healthy, but still though. It does breaks my heart.

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