The Shadow People

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This happened back in 2011. My neighbor's son, Dillon, was in the woods in my backyard along with his friends. They decided to go out there and play, but Dillon was the first to see them. According to him, there was a shadow figure shaped like a man walking around. Of course, being a little kid, he took off running and told me about the shadow man. I believe him after one night.

That night while I taking my dog, Chloe, for a walk, at the side of my house was a shadow figure moving across my front lawn. I got freak out for only a minute, but the look on the shadow man was nothing but pure darkness just walking around. After he left, I ran towards my front door and locked it.

Couple of months later, I was in the kitchen drinking milk, but suddenly I heard a loud tap on the window. I grabbed my cup of milk and dashed to living room.

By the time mom came, the tapping on the windows begin to increase. I quickly grabbed my mom and took her to the living room to listen to them. My mom puts her ear on the window to listen, and again, that exact same loud tap. My mom got up and looked directly at saying, "Somethings out there." I told her what I saw and begged my mom to come outside whenever I have to take the dogs out.

Another night happened, and my mom and I were outside talking. We were just talking normal, but my mom stopped when she pointed out my neighbor's lawn. There was a shadow figure walking around their yard. And you know, we left the porch.

Now, I have no clue who these shadow people are, but I do have a feeling it has a connection to the woods behind my house.

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