After that we go shopping in many different stores. Stores like Pink and Forever 21 and Malibu related stores.

We spend hours shopping and clowning around. Making Instagram and Snapchat videos and taking pictures. We run into fans almost everywhere we go.

We go into a jewelry store and it reminds me of when the guys pranked us.

"Hey remember when the guys pranked us and we thought that Piper was going to really get arrested", I say.

They all agree.

"Piper was so shocked". Camryn says.

"Wouldn't be the first time I got arrested", Piper says shrugging.

We all laugh.

Then we all walk back to the hotel and hang out.

"Guys I gotta go to the beach", I say to them getting up from the couch.

"Why", they ask.

"Jack", I smile while putting on my wedges.

"Ooooh", they say.

I laugh and shake my head. I pack some snacks and drinks in a bag and a blanket for us at the beach.

"Bye guys", I say opening the door to walk out.

"Bye", they say.

I Uber to the beach instead of walking since I've literally been walking all day. The beach is about ten minutes away from the hotel.

I get to the beach and there are only a few people there and I set up the blanket and snacks and everything. I patiently wait for thirty minutes for Jack to get there.

My phone reads 7:15 and I shrug. I text him:

Amber- hey Jack❤️I'm at the beach already. Let me know when you are almost here.

I sit on my phone on social media for a while and take pictures of myself and of the beach.

Then I start doing cartwheels and aerials and back handsprings.

I get applause from people on the beach and smile then sit back down.

I look at my phone and it says 7:49.

I sigh.

Then a golden retriever comes up to me and starts sniffing me. I laugh and start playing with him.

A man around twenty runs up to me and sighs.

"There you are Buddy! I am so sorry", he exclaims out of breath.

"Oh no! He's fine. He's so cute!" I say smiling at him then the dog.

We talk for a little bit and then they leave.

I look at my phone and there's still no text, call, nothing from Jack.

Everyone starts leaving the beach.

I start packing up.

Maybe he was too busy.

"Amber!" I hear a voice yell.

I look up and see Jack running towards me.

I stand up and stand in front of him.

"Sorry...I'm...late....meeting....ran....over...time. Wow I need to get in shape", Jack says in between breaths with his hands on his hips.

I laugh and hug him. "Glad you could make it."

He kisses me on the forehead and we sit down on the blanket.

I unpack the drinks.

"You brought all of my favorite things", he says smiling.

I nod. "Of course."

"At my favorite place." He says.

"Yeah", I smile.

"With my favorite girl", he says staring at me.

I blush harder than I ever have.

"I love you", he says.

"I love you too", I respond grabbing his hand.

We eat our snacks and we feed each other grapes. (High School Musical 2 scene flashbacks lol)

"Okay let's see if it'll make it", Jack says opening his mouth for me to throw the grape into.

"Ready?" I ask as he's scooting back.

He nods. I throw it and it makes it in.  

"Wayhoooooo", he yells.

I laugh and clap.

He walks up to me slowly and picks me up.

"Um Jack what are you doing?" I say looking up at him.

"One! Two! Three!" He exclaims throwing me into the water.

I fall in on my back and immediately come back up. I see him taking off his socks and shoes and coming in.

"Oh my gosh you're crazy!" I say as he comes up to me.

"You love it", he says laughing.

I laugh and we start splashing around in the water. We swim and see how long we can hold our breath under water. He repeatedly throws me under water when I least expects it.

"Hey you made me lose my seashell that I found", I say when I come back up from the water and looking around.

"That's too bad", he shrugs.

I jump on his back and dunk him underwater and I go down with him.

We do that for thirty more minutes. Playing since we have the whole beach to ourselves.

Then we decide to go back to the hotel.

"Tonight was awesome", he says as we're packing.

"Yeah it was", I smile.


Oops. Sorry it took me so long to update! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter though! Byeee❤️

Lovelights | Jack Avery| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now