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*Ashton's pov*

Haven nearly fell inside when the door swung open suddenly.

Everybody walked forward to see the tall man standing in the doorway. He had dark hair and brown eyes. His shoulders were extremely broad and he wore all black.

"What do you all want?" He said seeming annoyed.

Haven took a step back and I stepped forward so we were right beside each other. I noticed that Michael, Kyra, Luke, and Calum had backed far away. Wow, were they really that intimidated?

"Umm...are you Logan Wilson?" Haven asked sounding scared.

"Yes, why do you care?" He asked stepping closer towards us and we all took a step back even farther.

"Well we wanted to ask you a few things. Our friend Lilith wanted us to ask how you've been." I said trying to not sound scared.

"Lilith huh?" Logan said curiously. "Come on in, its cold out there. We can talk in here."

He held the door open for us and we all looked around before I grabbed Haven's hand and led us all inside.

We all sat down on the couch and everything was a little more relaxed. But I still didn't let go of Haven's hand and I saw Luke reach over and grab Kyra's hand.

"Do you wanna hold hands Calum?" Michael asked jokingly.

"I would love to." Calum said holding out his hand for Michael to take.

Normally we would all laugh but everything was too tense for that.


We sat and talked just about Logan's career and family life for about ten minutes when suddenly Haven asked, "Umm... I need to pee. Where is the bathroom?"

"I'll lead the way. You don't want to get lost." Logan said.

Haven stood up to go but I was still holding her hand. She gave me the 'I'm gonna be fine' look and I let go.

Logan lead her down the hallway until it was too dark to see.

After five minutes and neither Haven nor Logan had returned, I decided to go looking for them.

The others followed me down the hallway until we reached the wall and we couldn't walk any further.

I turned around to walk back when suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my head and all went black.

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