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"Well I guess we need to get to know more about what you want us to do so we can help you." Michael said to me but he wasn't looking at me.

Ashton grabbed his cheeks and turned his head towards me and Michael gave him a thumbs up.

"Well, as you know I want revenge." I began.

"Wait wait wait." Calum said putting his hands up. "How can we help you if we don't even know your name?"

"Ugh fine my name's Lilith happy??" I said.

"Yes yes I am." Calum said smirking.

"Wow you're almost as annoying as red head over here." I said rolling my eyes.

Kyra leaned towards Calum and said, "you get used to it." and they both laughed.

"Ok so how do you want revenge exactly?" Luke asked.

"Well, the worst we could do is kill him bu-" I started but I was cut off.

"Woah woah woah Lilith. Sorry to burst your bubble but we aren't killing anybody!!" Haven clarified.

"Yeah" the others said in unison.

"I know I know I said the WORST and if you had let me finish I was going to say I bet you wouldn't be up for it. just let me continue." I said defending myself.

There was a pause as they looked at each other until Ashton told me to continue.

"Ok so the WORST would be murder but the least I would settle for is scaring the shit out of him and making him regret ever killing me for that Anna chick." I said.

"We can make that happen." Kyra said smirking.

"Yeah. Do you know where he lives?" Michael asked.

"Of course I do what do I look stupid?" I asked.

"Well I don't know I can't see you." Michael said and quickly added, "But but I'm assuming not."

I glared at him for awhile but finally dropped it.

"Ya he lives in New York City. About 13 hour long flight not too bad. We came all the way up here to California just for the wedding. We kinda had a few flaws in the plans though... I still go up there once a week to keep and eye on him." I said.

"That's not so bad. We have a camp trip up there in two weeks that will last a month." Luke said.

"So... what do you want us to do?" Ashton asked.

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