Not Again

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*Michael's pov*

I looked at Calum who looked at Ashton who looked at Haven and we all looked back at Luke and Kyra.

"What?" I asked confused.

"How? I almost killed the guy! It's impossible." Haven said as confused as I was.

"Wait explain everything that happened." Calum said trying to figure it all out.

Luke and Kyra caught their breath before Kyra started.

"Ok, so Luke and I were just walking and talking. And then Luke stopped to ask me a question. Go figure we were right beside an alley and Logan was all like 'yo I almost killed your friend and your other friend almost killed me. I'm gonna get pay back, trust me.' And we were out of there in seconds. Luckily he didn't follow us but yeah." Kyra explained.

"What she said." Luke said.

I looked over at Haven and Ashton and they were both crying.

"Wh-what?" Haven said. "h-he can't. Somebody w-will stop him right?"

"I-I don't w-wanna be sh-shot again!!" Ashton half yelled.

"We need to leave." I said. "Like right now."

Nobody said anything, we all just ran up the stairs.


"Got everything?" I asked the boys.

"Yeah let's go." Calum said.

We walked out of the hotel room and the girls weren't out yet.

"I'll see why they haven't come out yet." Ashton said and walked into the girls' room.


*Haven's pov*

I was sitting on the bed crying when Ashton walked in. I was all packed and I was waiting for Kyra to finish in the bathroom.

"What's wrong?" Ashton asked and I automatically started crying harder. He came over and sat beside me on the bed.

"I-it's just that I-I don't want you t-to get h-hurt again." I told him. He turned me to face him and he said, "Listen, neither of us is going to get hurt, trust me. I won't let him hurt either of us."

I nodded and he hugged me.

"But we're going to need a plan. So that is he attacks us, we will know what to do." I said. We both looked around the room.

"How about we both bring a knife with us, just incase." Ashton suggested as he walked over to the kitchen part of the room. He pulled two knives out of the knife box and handed me one. "Put it somewhere you can reach it easily but he can't see it." I nodded my head and slid it into the side of my jeans.

"I really hope we don't need to use these." I said referring to the knives.

"Me too." Ashton said walking towards me and pulling my into a hug. I could feel Lilith was with us, right then and there, but I couldn't see her.

Kyra walked out of the bathroom just then and we all walked out of the room.

We walked out to a surprise.

Not again was all I could think.

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