Date Night

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*Kyra's pov*

We all left the church and went home. We decided to get proof that Logan was done for in the morning.

It was 6:00 when I remembered: the date with Luke.

Shit! I'm gonna be late. I texted Luke quickly.

Hey. What should I wear for this date? ~Kyra

Just something you can run around in. I'll be there by 7. ~Luke

Ok. See you then. ~Kyra

I sat my phone on the bed and ran to the bathroom.

I showered incredibly fast and went to my closet.

I pulled out a few different outfits but I couldn't decide. I called Haven since she lived three houses down. Maybe she could help me.

Hey. Get over here. I need help picking out an outfit.

Just hurry!

Haha ok bye.

I hung up and less than a minute later she was in my room helping me find my clothes.

"Since you're gonna be active, wear this." Haven said handing me a red crop top and shorts.

"Wait, how did you know?" I asked confused. I hadn't told her what Luke told me.

She laughed and said, "Luke called and asked where you would like to go."

I smiled at the thought. He wanted to know where I wanted to go just so it would be that much more perfect.

I threw on the outfit. It was 6:45. I had a few minutes before Luke would be there. Haven left and I sat alone on the couch.

Just as he promised, Luke arrived at 7 on the dot. I opened the door and smiled at me.

"You look lovely." He said to me.

I smiled and blushed a little. "Thank you. You do too." I said which made him laugh.

"Shall we go?" he asked holding out his hand. I nodded and laughed as we walked to his car.

He made me wear a blind fold the entire way there. After ten minutes or so, we finally arrived.

I took off my blind fold to see I was at Lazer Tag, one of my favorite activities.

"So I've been told you like lazer tag." Luke told me and I smiled. I thought back to what Haven had said; that Luke had called her to ask what I wanted to do.

"I LOVE lazer tag!" I told him which made him laugh.

We walked inside and got our suits and our guns.

Round 1 began and I automatically shot him and ran. I hid behind a barrel and hoped he wouldn't see me. When I turned around to check where he was, I couldn't find him. I turned back around and almost had a heart attack when Luke jumped out and shot me.

I laughed as he ran away. I chased him around the entire room but missed every time I aimed at him. Round 1 ended and we went back to the start line.

We played 20 rounds and then went to get pizza.

Finally at around 9, Luke drove up to my front steps. I didn't want this night to end. It was so amazing, I couldn't think of anything that could've been better.

"So umm... I had a great time." Luke said rubbing the back if his neck. He was nervous about something, but I didn't know what.

"Yeah me too. This was the best night of my life." I said smiling up at him. "I couldn't be h-" I began but I was cut off.

It took me a minute to realize what had happened. Luke had kissed me. I've always heard people say 'you see fireworks' when you kiss somebody for the first time, but I never believed them. Now, I finally understood what they meant.

The kiss ended after only a few seconds but it seemed like a life time. Luke was blushing which made me blush.

Neither of us said anything about what had just happened. Luke just said goodnight and got in his car and left.

What a perfect way to end a perfect night.

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