"Wait, clean him off first," Mac said between breaths. Zane sighed with annoyance before pulling a lever that both Gage and Mac have gotten used to. The water streamed down on both of them, blood and silver, pooling around the drain in the floor.

Zane stepped over Mac's body, placing the needle in Gage's neck without a second thought to pull out the blood

He flinched but after the pain, he dealt with that week, it was nothing compared to what he used to.

Zane hurried out of the room, remembering to grab his notebook right before he left.

"Are you okay?" Gage asked. But Mac didn't say anything, she was just breathing deeply trying to overcome the pain she just felt. Even though the silver was washed down the drain, the pain still remained.

"Mac," Gage whispered, afraid.

"Don't you ever get tired of asking me if I'm okay?" Mac finally said. She turned the best she could to look at him, but because her legs were still chained she couldn't fully see him. He wished for anything just to be able to wrap his arms around her, comfort her while she was in pain.

"No, I never get tired of it," Gage stated. Mac gave him a small smile but stayed on the floor breathing. "This is the guy that kidnapped you before isn't he."

"Yes," Mac closed her eyes, her hand was still touching his leg, but it was more for comfort. Just touching him, knowing that he was alive made her feel better.

"Does he do this every time?" Gage asked.

"No, the experiment is different every time, the silver thing well he has done it before but not to this extent."

"How can you sound so normal after all this?" Gage asked.

"Because this hasn't even been the worst part of my year. Yes, the pain is bad here and there but most of the time he knocks me out before it gets too bad, he is never happy to see me into much pain. He doesn't find joy in seeing me cry or for me to beg him to stop. No, when the pain becomes too much he stops it. He also feeds me which is something the others never did," Mac couldn't help but let the tear fall down her cheek.

"Others?" Gage asked.

"It worked," Zane announced walking into the room. "I would have never thought of that, good for you." He didn't get close to Mac, to nervous with having her unchained.

"Now that the silver was working, my assistant had a thought," Zane reached over grabbing a bag that looked different than the others. He poured it into a cup, placing it within Mac's reach but far enough away that she couldn't grab him. "Drink it."

"No," but it didn't come from Mac, it came from Gage.

"She will drink it or," He went overreaching for a bag of silver, but Mac didn't hesitate to grab the cup. 

"I'll drink it," Mac stated, she sat up bringing the cup up to her lips. She knew what was and deep down she knew what this would do to her.

"You will live Gage," Mac mumbled. "Live and take care of my pack, don't let anybody control you,"

"Mac, what are you talking about?" Gage asked. He looked over at her and once again this looked like a new Mac he had never seen. A defeated Mac.

"I'm tired of fighting, but I don't need to keep fighting because I know you will take care of them. Take care of all of them," Mac mumbled, her eyes were closed breathing in the cup.

"What are you talking about?" Gage shouted he was getting nervous.

"I....I...love you," Mac whispered, Gage, leaned forward barely able to hear what she was saying.

"Mac," Gage whispered.

"Don't kill him and don't hurt my pack, you wanted me and you had me. Let them go free," Mac said staring up at Zane. 

Zane looked at her with confusion, but it dawned on her why she was saying this. He reached forward to grab the cup from her but she didn't hesitate again to down it. The burn of pallidum making its way down her throat. She gagged, trying to take a deep breath, but only tasted blood

"Mac," Gage shouted, he reached forward breaking his chains to grab her. He reached down further breaking the chains that were attached to her legs. Pulling her so she was all the way in his lap.

"Gage," Mac stuttered out, but she choked, blood splattering out of her mouth. Gage leaned down nuzzling his head into her neck.

"I....I..." Zane stuttered falling to the ground.

"Mac," Gage whispered lifting his hand to her neck to feel her heartbeat. 

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