Chapter 15

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"Yes Ron, I get it ten shots is to much. I actually already knew that." Mac said, she was getting ready for her date when her phone rang. She was grateful that her brother finally called her back. "So where are you now anyways?"

"Massachusetts." Ron said.

"What the hell are you doing there?" Mac said. She plopped herself on the bed staring up at the ceiling.

"You know the usual followed a girl here."

"Ah yes, the driving force for all your adventures." She smiled, it was good to finally hear from him. She didn't tell him about her last year, she didn't want him to worry over it. She did however tell him that she dropped out of college. He was for it, he actually did the same thing his freshman year

"I actually might be out in Montana soon, we should meet up." Ron said.

"I'm not in Montana anymore, I'm in Idaho now."

"What? You moving around without telling me. I am shocked."

"Well it was last minute, but I have found some good roommates."

"That's great Mackenzie."

"I go by Mac now as well."

"Changing your address and changing your name. What are you going to change next?"

"I don't know, nothing maybe everything. Only time will tell."

"Ron, let's go." A girl's voice echo's on the other side of the phone.

"Bye Mac." Ron said hanging up the phone.

"Bye." Mac said to a dial tone. She was happy to talk to her brother but it was too short of a conversation.

She stared up at the ceiling some more, looking into the white abyss. Everything from the last couple of months running through her head. The good and the bad.

"Mac, your date is here." Trent shouted through the house. She looked up blinking, not realizing how long she has been zoning out.

"One moment." Mac shouted back. She looked at the mirror, her long brown hair falling past her chin. She had her simple black v-neck shirt on, blue jeans, and her black combat boots. She applied light makeup to make her eyes pop. She shrugs her face a bit, she was happy with what she saw, but not happy at the same time. She had changed so much in the last year and she still wasn't use to it.

"You look hot." Zack said when Mac walked into the room.

"Really dude." John said, he was having a bowl of cereal for dinner and couldn't help but look at Zack like he was an idiot.

"Shut it John." Mac said. "Let's go." She grabbed his hand leading him out the door.

"Wait, first tell us where you are going?" Jason said."

"Ciao Mambo." Zack said. "I got a reservation for two. Come on." They head to his car, a 1993 green Jeep that had a layer of dirt covering it.

"I have a feeling you like the outdoors." Mac said with a smile.

"You know it." Zack said with a little howl in his voice. He turned the car on blasting the radio, heavy metal rock coming on. Mac forced a smile, dying on the inside with pain from the song.

They finally pull up to the restaurant. It was cute and a bit crowded for tonight. It was on the corner of two cross streets so Zack had to park in the back parking lot. He pulled into a spot that barely let's Mac out, but she is able to squeeze her way through.

"They have amazing pasta here and unlimited breadsticks." Zack said waiting for her to walk around the car.

"Awesome." Mac said. They walk around the building, Zack giving his name to the hostess.

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