Chapter 14

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"Again." The guy said above her, she lifted herself off the dojo floor. He had just body slammed her on the floor.

"Let's go," Mac said facing her instructor. He was cute, light brown hair, light brown eyes, and a beard taking up half of his face.

She smiled at him, taking a quick look around the dojo. It was habitat at this point, always looking to see where her boys were. At this point, they were on the other side of the dojo group fighting, two on one.

"Did I hurt your cute little butt?" He asked smiling at her, bringing her back to attention.

"Ha." Mackenzie said sticking her tongue out. "Let me show you what my cute little butt can do." She lunges towards him tackling him to the ground within seconds. He couldn't help but be impressed by her.

He was interested in her starting from the first day she walked into his class. She was a determined little thing, asking for two lessons every day not only for her but her group as well. She didn't care how much it cost. As she put it "there is no price on safety." She was definitely the best student he has ever had.

"I like a woman on top." He said, at this point not fighting back. Just letting her pin him to the floor. Her legs on either side of his hip. her hand holding both arms down and her fist prepared to punch him in the face. But he knew she wouldn't punch him at this point.

"What the hell did you just say to her Zack?" Jason said from the side. Zack fidgets a bit, he forgot they were there.

"Sorry," Zack said. A hint of pink spreading across his cheeks. Mac smiled, but got off of him, helping him up.

"It's okay, don't mind them," Mac said, a hint of pink across her cheeks as well. "I'm going to get some water." She jogs over to the lobby, going to the water cooler.

"You can ask her out, but you have to be good to her," Trent said walking over to Zack, he starts to circle him a bit.

"What no he can't." Jason spat out, also starting to circle Zack.

Compared to Trent, John, and Jason, Zack was small. He was normal height for a shifter, roughly around 6'3", but werewolves were easily taller than him.

"Yes he can, look Mac dating would be a good thing and this way our master knows that we would hurt him greatly if he hurts her in any way," Trent said.

"It would be good for her to get out of the house," John said.

"She is out of the house all time, like right now," Jason said.

"That is all she does is fight and clean the house. She needs more in her life." Trent said.

"Don't worry Jason, I will take really good care of your sister. I understand how special she is and I would love to take her out on a proper date." Zack said.

"I do worry Zack, as her older brother it's my job too," Jason said.

"I'm her older brother as well and I don't worry that much," Trent said.

"Me neither," John said.

"And as my older brother, you have to let me live a little," Mac said walking back into the room. "You guys do realize I could hear everything correct." They all look down in embarrassment. "Zack I would love to go out, how about Wednesday?"

"That would be perfect," Zack said smiling from ear to ear.

"Let's go, boys, we have to grab dinner on the way home," Mac said grabbing her bags. "Bye Zack" she waved on her way out.

They make it down the block before Trent breaks the silence. "What are you going to wear?"

"Really that is what you are going to ask her?" John asked with a questionable look.

"What that is what you talk about before going on a date," Trent said.

"Is it though?" Jason asked.

"I am going to wear my blue jeans, black top, and combat boots," Mac said, turning the corner.

"What, why not wear a dress?" Trent asked

"I think you've said it best, I am not a dress girl," Mac said, she couldn't help but grab onto her scar.

'It's okay to show your scar." Jason whispered into her ear.

She half smiles but quickens her pace to the car.

"The date will be fun," John said on her other side.

"Hopefully," Mac said, with a forced smile.

"Come on, let's go get food," Jason said in an annoyed mood.

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