Chapter 7

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"Don't miss me too much," Mackenzie said giving Matt a hug. He was leaving today and in a week, her second semester, was about to start.

"Be good won't you. Stop getting in giant fights at bars." Matt said holding tightly onto her. As he predicted the rumor around his town was that they got back together the very next day. He told Mackenzie and she just shrugged and blamed the drugs.

"I can only control so much," Mackenzie said. They were outside on the porch. Matt was going to get a ride to the airport from his parents and she was going to drive back to college. It was about 3 pm and if the weather permitted she should be back at 10 pm.

"Please," Matt said. He let her go only to bring her into another hug. He had always wanted a sibling and a best friend. With Mackenzie, he got both. She was the little sister he always wanted. "I love you."

"I love you too," Mackenzie said giving him a squeeze.

"Gross." The dad said walking over to his truck.

"It was great meeting you but we need to get to the airport on time we do have to leave now." Matt's mom said giving Mackenzie a hug.

"Be good and don't get lost," Mackenzie said giving him a kiss on the cheek. He smiled and ran over to the truck throwing his bag in the back. "Send postcards." She shouted as he drove away. He waved out the window until his dad turned the corner and the truck was hidden by trees.

She couldn't help the tears fall while she was driving. Matt was the best friend she has always wanted. Nobody even compared and now she was sad and pissed that he is going to be gone for over six months in Uruguay.

She turned her heater up, and the windshield wipers on. She was driving for an hour before the weather picked up. It didn't help that the sun was starting to set.

She was blasting the radio, letting the tears fall into her lap. She wasn't going too fast but still trying to rush home. She hated being on the road by herself in this type of weather.

"Oh shit," Mackenzie said spotting a large dog in the middle of the road. She slammed on the brakes and twisted the wheel to avoid hitting it. The last thing she heard was the screech of the brakes and a loud crunching sound before everything went black.

"Is she dead?" She could hear a faint man's voice above her, she lifted her head to look up and regretted it immediately. A shocking pain shoots up her spine.

She moaned out wanting the pain to stop. Her head was cold in one spot with burning sensation surrounding that spot. She lifted her hand slowly to pat it, blood covering her fingertips. Her glasses were shattered so she gently took them off, throwing them to the side.

"I guess she is alive." A different guy's voice said. This one sounded a bit deeper like it was coming from an older man.

"Good, she is too hot to die." The other said.

"That is a human you are talking about."

"Shut up dad, nobody cares about that those days. It isn't like I want her to have my kids, just want to fuck her."

"Disgusting." The dad said.

Mackenzie moved her head slowly taking in her surroundings; glass was shattered all over the passenger's seat, the dashboard was bent in towards her, she looked up to see the windshield completely missing but the edges, the front of her car crushed against a tree, and when she looked to her left her door was missing with two naked guys standing next to her.

"I know you," Mackenzie said. She couldn't find the name, everything being foggy but she definitely remembered one of them. The other looked familiar but he also just looked like an older copy of the young one. They both had jet black hair, the older one with gray specks in it, dark greens eyes, and the same crooked smile.

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