Chapter 2

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Part 1

Eight Months Before

The library was quiet during this time of year. Mackenzie was on the fourth floor in the back, her usual weekend spot.

She loved this spot because most of the time it was spookley quiet back here. She could hear a pin drop from the other end, it was perfect for studying. Unless they decided to use the stacks for something besides studying. Which was the case right now. She could here the couple that were hiding in the stacks making out. She couldn't understand why people came here for that? Don't they have a dorm.

She pushed up her glasses sending a glare through the books at the couple. She slouched back into her chair pulling her history book towards it, where it was half in her lap and half against the desk. She picked up her pink highlighter marking the middle of the page.

She liked this particular table because over the last couple of months she has added her own little impressions on it. She wasn't big on vandalising but she couldn't help but mark it every time she sat down. At first it was just her crossing out the inappropriate words and dick carvings. But then she started to scratch her initials into it, next came hearts, and lastly she has been making her own mosaic of a forest with a tiny wolf running through it.

She bit her lip pushing her long brown hair behind her ear. She did this when she felt lost. It wasn't particularly that didn't understand what she was reading but the fact she read the same sentence three times and everytime she finished the sentence it evaporated before she could retain it. She knew she was always easily distracted, even if it was just with her thoughts.

"Mackenzie" Somebody shouted to her left, she jumps a bit startled by the person. She looks up to see her friend Bianca staring back at her. She uses the friend loosely. Bianca was a very pretty posh girl that was born and raised in Texas, going to Montana for college was her way of rebelling against her parents.

"Are you going to the party tonight?" Bianca said grabbing a seat at the other end of Mackenzie's table. Bianca's bleach blond hair was higher than normal and she had a full face of makeup, something Mackenzie never does. Bianca scrunched her nose up in disgust when she heard the couple moaning from the side.

"What party?" Mackenzie asked pushing up her glasses again, her bright blue eyes being hidden by the thick frame.

Mackenzie was what most people would call a nerd. She had friends and was even in a sorority but the main thing she did in life was read, do homework, and watch SyFy movies all day. Here favorite books being Harry Potter, Mortal Instruments, and pretty much every book that deals with witches or a different magical world. She loved them so much she got a small little deathly hallows tattoo on her ankle.

She didn't publicized how much she truly loved the fantasy world, besides her ankle. When she was a ten she told her bff at the time Chelsy about how she believed witches exist. It resulted in Chelsy telling the whole grade and from there she was know as Mackenzie the freak. Also as soon as she reached middle school she realized really quickly how stupid it was to think magic exist.

"You know the one at the Sigma Theta house." Bianca said, talking about the party that night. They met about a year ago when Mackenzie joined the sorority. Mackenzie was new to the state and thought joining a sorority would be an easy way to fit in, an easy way to make friends. Finally people to accept her for herself. For the most part she was wrong, even during rush she stood out.

Rush is where all the new girls wanting to join a sorority go to events at each house, ready and prepared to be judged. They all had their hair dolled up, their makeup plastered to their face, and a shiny dress on, well all of them did except Mackenzie. She brushed her hair and left it down for once instead of her usual bun. She put on her new pair of black jeans to looked dressed up but she still stood out like a sore thumb.

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