Chapter 4

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"Morning sunshine," Dean said when Mackenzie answered the door. Her hair was stuck all over her face, her glasses askew on her face, and drool stuck to her cheek. He still liked the way she looked.

"Um morning, how did you find my dorm?" Mackenzie asked opening the dorm room for him. Her parents were nice enough to help her get a single. With the extra room she was able to add in a couple bookcases to hold her many books.

"You don't remember telling me last night, I mean how did you think you got home?" Dean said. He liked her place it was a bit messy but not to bad. Gage handed her over to him about an hour after she ran out of the building to throw up. Dean made sure that when he got her home she was safe and on her side. He tucked her in and put a glass of water next to her bed.

"Omg thank you so much. I'm so sorry for being a shit show," Mackenzie said taking a seat on the bed. She did not feel good at all.

"It's alright," Dean said. "It's not like I had a choice," he mumbled to himself while taking a seat on her desk.


"Oh nothing, so want to grab breakfast?"

"Omg the idea of food sounds disgusting," she said holding her stomach in pain.

"Knock, knock," a guy walked into the room. He had short bright blonde hair, a scruffy beard, and black glasses covering his green eyes. "You have a boy in your room," he squealed. "And while you look like that," he said alarmed. He rushed over trying to pretty her up.

"Stop Matt. He has already seen my hot mess side. I sadly barfed in a bush yesterday."

"Very classy," Matt grimaced and Dean scrunched his face in disgust. "I'm Matt by the way. Mackenzie BFF." He goes to shake Dean's hand. His bleach blonde hair shining against the fluorescent dorm lights.

"I'm Dean."

"Her knight in shiny armor," Matt said giggling.

"God shut up Matt," Mackenzie said blushing.

"Anybody would have helped her." Dean said blushing a bit himself.

"You know you look familiar," Matt said looking Dean over.

"I think our parents know each other," Dean replied, Matt nodded his head wanting that to be the end of the conversation.

"So food?" Matt said.

"I'll just watch you guys eat. I'm in pain," she held her stomach, rubbing her hand over it to soothe the ache. This was the worse hangover she had ever had. She remembered why she didn't love drinking.

"Good enough for me," Matt said in a sign song voice.

They entered the local diner seeing the usual Saturday morning crowd; lots of groups of friends, one person in the group looked like he or she was doing the walk of shame, the next looked normal, and the last one looked like how Mackenzie feels, death.

"I might barf on you," Mackenzie said looking down at Matt's food.

"Well aren't you the flirt," Dean said.

"Sorry, but there is a reason I don't go out."

"I thought it was because you are a loser," Bianca said. She was right behind Mackenzie catching her off guard. Bianca's whole table laughed. Mackenzie could recognize Susan, Becky, and the other one she thought was that Sandy girl from last nights party.

Mackenzie looked down surprised by the girls biting her lip.

"What crawled up your ass Bianca, I mean besides your dildo," Matt retorted back.

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