Chapter 28

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"So I call Mac as my slave for the month, who are you going to call?" Gage asked Collin. They got to the gym early, nobody from the other pack in sight.

"Nobody," Collin replied. Since lunch, he has barely said anything to Gage which was unusual for Collin because normally he could talk for hours about anything.

"Really?" Gage said. "Not pussying out on me are you. Falling in love with the rogues?"

"I'm not falling in love but they don't deserve to be our slaves. Mac was just trying to do something nice," Collin said. More of their pack entered the gym and started forming a circle around the mat.

"I've never had a slave," Matt said walking up. "Not sure if I will pick one either."

"You do realize these are people, good people," Collin said to Gage.

"So you and Mac are best friends now?" Gage asked.

"No, but I don't hate her. She helped Chloe out and she is actually funny." Collin said.

"What about you Matt? Are you now best friends with the human?" Gage said.

"Um, no?" Matt said he wasn't really sure what to say.

"Oh really, my beta and fourth in command. You know I can revoke that at any time, you did only get that a month ago." Gage said threatening Matt.

"Shut up, Matt earned fourth in command and you know it and dude you don't even hate Mac so why do we have to?" Collin said.

"I hate her," Gage said trying to convince them.

"No you really don't, she is all you talk about. Which don't get me wrong is a hell of a lot more interesting than listening to you blabber on about Sandy." Collin said.

"I hate her and I don't talk about Sandy because she has been away," Gage said.

"If only it was forever," Matt mumbled but loud enough for all three to hear over the crowd.

"What did you say?" Gage said taking a step towards Matt who back away with his head down.

"Lay off of him dude, he didn't say anything we all weren't thinking," Collin said.

"I wasn't thinking that." Gage snapped back fast.

"Didn't mean you, but I like how you got to that conclusion so fast," Collin said.

"Shut up, you know I hate you," Gage said pointing at Collin "and you," he said now pointing at Matt, "and I hate her."

"Awe are you talking about little old me?" Mac said none of them saw her or Jason come up. and flinched with shock.

"You are late," Gage said. The whole gym was filled not only with Gage's pack but Alpha Brett's and Mac's as well.

"I had to change," Mac said gesturing to her clothes. She had black leggings on, a pink tank top, sunglasses on top of her head, and was bare footed.

"Cute," Matt said in a flamboyant way. Mac gave him a big smile while Collin and Gage gave him a quizzical look. He coughed and then awkwardly back into the crowd of people that have formed around them.

"So here are the rules." Mac started.

"Really rules, that is kind of pathetic," Gage said.

"I was going to say no eye gouging, I like my eyes very much," Mac said.

"They are pretty eyes," Jason said next to her, a rosy pink appearing on Mac's cheeks.

Gage let out a little growl. "Let's get going," he said.

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