Chapter 67

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"I like having power," Derrick said. They were in the office and it was a mess. Piles of paper littering the desk, falling onto the floor. Derrick never bothering to clean it up.

"It will only be until the end of the month," Collin stated, throwing the book onto the desk. He was checking all the books in Gage's office for anything about a guy named Zane.

"Yes but think about all the girls that want me," Derrick said. 

"You disgust me," Collin said, Jason thought it would be a good idea for Collin to help out Gage's pack, mostly because Collin already knows the pack. Derrick refused at first, but once he released that he knew nothing he decided to let Collin help. Collin has been here for two days and has already beaten up Derrick twice, but Derrick allows him to stay because otherwise he would be screwed.

"That isn't what the girls say," Derrick said.

"Oh shut up," Sandy said walking into the office.

"What are you doing here?" Collin asked, he hated Derrick and Sandy, and having them in the same room was torture.

"I came to deliver this to the Alpha," Sandy said handing a large envelope over to Derrick. Even after Collin deliver the news about Gage being kidnapped neither cared. Sandy was more pissed about how he was off with Mac and in any other situation, Collin would have laughed. "I'm so proud, my big brother Alpha." Sandy then leaves the room after placing a kiss on Derrick's head.

"It says Gage on that," Collins said looking closer at the envelope.

"He isn't here so I can open it," Derrick said opening up the envelope and pouring out the contents, a letter and another smaller envelope drop to the desk. It was a treaty from the Dark Moon Forest group. "Oh, something stupid," Derrick threw it on the pile with the other papers. 

"Has Gage done nothing in the last couple of months?" Collin said looking at the desk once again. It was unlike Gage to let his office become a mess like this. 

"I don't know, he seems distracted lately. Maybe a little sexy human distracting him," Derrick smiled and Collin couldn't help but shiver in disgust. 

"Don't you ever talk about Mac again," Collin stated. 

"I'll do whatever I want, including making her moan my name out over and o..." Derrick wasn't able to finish the sentence, Collin made sure of that. His fist making a crunching noise when it hit Derricks nose. 

"You asshole," Sandy screeched, bending down to look at her brother.

"Get out," Collin shouted. Both Sandy and Derrick flinched. "Get out now before I kill you." They didn't question it, too big of a coward to stay. 

Collin growled out annoyed once they left the room. Throwing everything and anything he could see. Papers, book, and finally a chair slamming it against the desk. He sunk to the floor, angry that he couldn't find anything to find Gage or Mac. 

He ruined Gage's bookcase, along with destroyed his office. He couldn't imagine that Gage would care but that didn't stop him from cleaning up every part of it. 

He started with the papers, picking one up after another. Treaty, contracts, and so much more Gage seemed to have been ignoring. He placed them neatly on the desk and then started with the books. One after another. He picked up a blue one and out fell a chain and a letter. Collin set the pile of books he had in his hand on the floor. The lettered was sealed, no name on it. Collin couldn't help but let his curiosity get to him.

Dear Gage,

I know I have left you many years ago, but this is important. Give this chain to your loved one it is important. A gypsy told me of our family's fate, I did not believe it until Annabel died. Do take my warning, the jittery rabbit runs under the bridge. I hope life is going well sweety and I'm sure your true mate is amazing. Sorry I couldn't be there. I can't say much more especially if this ends up in the wrong hands.



Collin read the letter over and over again. Gage's mom, but she died over ten years ago. He then reached down picking up the chain, dropping it once it burned him once again. He grabbed one of the spare pieces of paper on the ground, carefully picking it up and putting it in his pocket along with the letter. He didn't know if Gage knew about this letter, but he still didn't want to leave it lying around to end up in the wrong hands. He continued to pick up the books, slowly this time, trying to see if he finds another letter or anything to help him out of the trouble his friends were in.

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