Chapter 25

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"Stop." She heard echo through her headphones. She looked down the hallway to see that it wasn't anybody from her pack but it was a guy in distress. 

She sees that one guy was on the ground, while three others were standing above him, sending kicks to his stomach. Mac recognized two right away from earlier.

"Stupid rogue." One said laughing before sending a punch to the guys face. His head hits the locker with an echo.

"Get away from him now," Mac shouted.

"You weren't kidding she is hot." The new one she didn't recognize said.

"Shut up, she is human." The bigger one from earlier said.

"Why should we stop." The new guy said.

"Get out of here now." Mac barked using her Alpha tone. They didn't hesitate to turn around, wondering why they all decided to follow a human orders. "Shit you need help." She said, she lifts him up with ease, but he doesn't talk his eyes just slowly opening and closing. Blood covering his face and running down his and her clothes."Let's go." Mac said pretty much half carrying him half dragging him to the nurses station.

"Not another one," Was the first thing the nurse said when she saw Mac carrying the guy in. She pointed at an empty chair, the bed being taken by a different student.

"How many have been in today?" Mac asked.

"Between ten and fifteen, all rogues and all within the first hour. You friend here isn't even the worse. Honestly how did the council think it would be a good idea to have rogues, humans, and two pack all in one place. So stupid." She mumbled some more while going to grab a first aid kit. "Don't worry about class I'll give you both a note."

"Thanks." Mac said. The guy was leaning on her at this point but she didn't care, it wasn't sexual so it didn't bother her.

The nurse started to get to work on his nose to help it stop bleeding and at one point a bed became available. Mac acted like she has problem lifting him but she gets him over to the bed in no time.

She gently laid him down and looked him over. Without the blood covering his face anymore he was quite handsome. He did have much hair at the top of his head, but he had beautiful lips and a very defined bone structure. He had nice chocolate brown skin that stood out against his white, well now blood stain shirt. She couldn't help but stare, but a moment later she looked away taking a seat in the corner while the nurse did her job.

It was about an hour before the guy woke up, Mac stayed the whole time playing games on her phone.

"Ouch, what happened." He said finally waking up.

"You got your ass kicked." Mac said putting her phone away. She goes over and grabs a cup of water to give him. "I'm Mac." She said putting her hand out.

"Justin, and thanks." He said shaking her hand and grabbing the cup from her.

"So what happened?" Mac asked.

"I was just walking to class minding my own business when they attacked me. Saying how rogues shouldn't be in this school and how much better they are than us." Justin said. He looked like a genuinely good person and she could feel in her gut that she wanted to protect him.

"If you don't mind me asking, why aren't you in a pack?" Mac asked.

"The Alpha hated me because his girlfriend liked me or something. I don't know, I mean she wasn't even his mate." Justin said, shrugging his shoulders but stopped wincing from the pain.

"That is completely stupid," Mac said.

"You're telling me," Justin said.

"Want to join my pack?" Mac randomly blurted out after a couple of seconds of silence.

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