chapter thirty five

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I looked at myself in the mirror, a smile on my face as I took in my appearance. My dress clung tightly to my body, showing off my figure perfectly. My makeup was done to perfection and my hair was curled beautifully, something which boosted my confidence and made me so excited to see Grayson.

I knew that he'd find me gorgeous, he always does. I know now that I don't need to change my appearance for any boy, because the boy that I'm in love with accepts and adores me for who I am. That's something everyone should have, and something that's irreplaceable in any relationship.
" you look stunning! " Harper smiled, taking a photo of me on her phone and grinning wider than ever.
" honestly, thank you. If you weren't here I would have been stressing out over everything... " I giggled, as she swatted it off.
" gosh, don't thank me, I should be thanking you for at least giving me a second chance, I honestly appreciate it- " The girl begun, being cut off by the sound of her phone dinging.
She looked at it, clicking the home button as a message lit up on her screen, as well as the time, making my eyes go wide.
" shit, I need to get going " I hurried out, before  she grabbed my arm, stopping me.
Harper looked extremely rushed, worried in fact, desperately trying to think of something before the words left her mouth.
" wait... um, let me take some nice photos of you for Instagram? "

I groaned, smiling cheesily as Harper made me pose for yet another photo. I had no clue why she needed so many, but she was clearly taking up a lot of time, and so I crossed my arms against my chest.
" are we done yet? " I asked with a slight chuckle, also worried that I'd be late for the date.
I didn't want to be, because he'd clearly planned something special. What confused me the most was that he hadn't yet arrived, maybe he was late too.
Just as I asked the question another ding sounded from her phone, a smirk appearing on her lips as she placed a hand against her hip.
" yes... just on time, in fact " The words left her mouth just as the sound of a car was heard pulling up outside of my house.
I knew it wasn't Grayson's ordinary car, since the one he usually drove was no where near as noisy, so when I opened the door to see what looked like his dream car, I gasped.
I could see Grayson smiling proudly as he climbed out, heading towards the front door where I was stood.
" you got the bronco?!? " I gasped as he pulled me into his arms suddenly, kissing my forehead.
" yes, I did. Well, Ethan bought me it " He chuckled, making me smirk as I looked at what had always been Grayson's dream car.
My eyes made their way back to Grayson, who was wearing a burgundy dress shirt tucked into some black jeans. His hair was styled like it usually was, which I loved so much. It looked so soft, so tuggable. He looked incredible, and I felt goosebumps spread across my whole body when his fingertips touched my waist.
" you look absolutely gorgeous, Bella " He almost whispered, too in awe to even consider taking his eyes off of me.
I felt the natural blush creep up to my cheeks, which I ignored. He always has such a massive effect on me, and I have no clue how.
" Let's go, we don't want to be late " Grayson grinned, taking his hand into mine and leading me back down the path.
He shot Harper an award winning smile, almost what looked like a thank you, before she shouted back at us, telling us to have fun, and also use protection.
I laughed as my boyfriend opened the car door for me, his gentlemanly actions enough to crack me up.
Soon enough he was by my side, starting up the car and driving away towards wherever we were heading, considering that all of our dates seemed to be in secret destinations.
I took my time to take in the amazing interior, the car Ethan had bought his brother making him so happy. I could tell how proud Grayson was to own a bronco finally, and it spread a grin onto my face.

Grayson laced his fingers with mine for the drive, lifting them up to his face and kissing my knuckles ever so lightly. Such a simple action made my stomach erupt with butterflies, simply unstoppable.
" where are we going? " I hoped I would get an answer, although I knew I wouldn't.
Grayson giggled adorably, shaking his head.
" you should know by now that I'm never going to answer that question, babe " He replied, making me groan as I shrunk down into the seat.
" did I tell you that you look beautiful, by the way? " He smirked, looking back at me from across the seat every so often, and back at the road.
" yes, you did. And did I tell you that you look handsome? " I responded, admiring the boy's features like I usually do.
Fucking hell, I'm so lucky.
He took a second to think, furrowing his eyebrows in a joking manner and finally snapping his fingers.
" no, you missed that part out, actually " Gray answered smartly, making me roll my eyes.
" you do, Gray. I love this shirt, where did you get it? " I asked, genuinely interested.
He took a second to think, before nodding with his answer.
" Gucci. My dad got me it, I would never buy a piece of Cotten for over a hundred fucking dollars " Grayson rolled his eyes, making me giggle.
" Gray, you've definitely spent over one hundred dollars on me ' for a piece of cotton ', before " I laughed, mocking him.
" yeah but that's you, I'd treat you to anything " He shrugged, making it out to be nothing, when really he didn't need to get me any of that stuff.

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