chapter twenty six

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" oh, come on. Tell Jack to stop being so cheesy and hold off your date night for just one more day " I begged, tugging on Shelby's arm as she drove the car, which was definitely unsafe.
She let out a groan and slapped my hand away as she looked ahead at the road, her blue eyes shimmering.
" just do it, Shelby. It's only Julia's birthday once a year!! " Brady rolled his eyes, glaring at the girl through the rear view mirror.
Shelby inhaled, letting out a sigh as she turned into her driveway, where a few cars were already parked. One being Jack's, and another being Ethan's.
" fine " she grumbled as she unbuckled her belt, the car coming to a stop as we climbed out excitedly.
I clapped my hands, grinning wider than ever at the thought of Shelby and Jack now coming to my mom's birthday.
" why so grumpy? Did you think you were gonna get some after the date? " Brady teased, Shelby sending him the dirtiest glare possible after his statement.
" shut the fuck up. I can easily kick you out of my house " Shelby growled as she opened her front door, the loud laughs heard from our friends who were already here.
I made my way through the hallway of the house, waving at Shelby's mom who was making her way upstairs, with a smile forming on her face when she saw me. As soon as we reached the living room, all of my friends came into sight. There was a few large pizza boxes laid down on the floor, while Aaron, Ethan, Kaylee and Jack all devoured the delicious food.
" Jack, cancel the date. We're going to Isabella's mom's party " Shelby immediately said, not even saying hello to her boyfriend, something which made me laugh.
Jack shrugged, not as bothered by it as I thought. Shelby smiled at how he reacted, sitting down beside him and stealing a slice of the margarita.
" I don't mind. As long as I get food " Jack joked, groaning as I punched his side.
" you will get food... and so will everyone else. You guys are all invited " I grinned, all of my friends nodding as they munched on their food.
I took a bite, my eyes scanning across the room as I looked at each of my friends. Grayson wasn't here, and he hadn't given me a reason as to why he wasn't. I didn't mind though, Ethan said he would be coming a little later.
" so where is Grayson? " Aaron asked, speaking my thoughts as he took a sip of his coke.
Everyone except me gave him a ridiculous look, their eyes squinted and their eyebrows raised as they tried to comprehend what he'd just said. The boy's eyes went wide when he realised, sighing in defeat.
" nevermind " He muttered, the room falling silent shortly after.
I glanced over at my cousin, who's baby bump was a bigger than I remember. It made a large smile form on my face, as I pictured finding out the gender, holding the baby in my arms, and loving it with all of my heart.
" so, are you planning a gender reveal for when you find out? " I asked, eager to know as the couples heads snapped up in my direction.
Ethan swallowed his pizza, nodding his head.
" well, we've actually spoken about it... we had a hospital appointment today, and we're around a month and two weeks. We can find out the gender between four and five months " Ethan answered, a glistening look in his eyes as he spoke about his child to be.
" not long to go " Brady beamed, smiling widely at Kaylee, who returned it.
" it'll probably be a June baby!! " Shelby cooed, whilst I clapped my hands.
I couldn't be more excited to welcome a baby into the family. It's currently October, and in less than eight months, my cousin and bestfriend will be the parents to a child that I can guarantee will be the cutest baby ever.

Soon enough, the sound of the front door opening and bags ruffling was heard, and in walked Grayson. Despite the fact that he was wearing a rather large winter coat, he was shivering, looking as cold as ever as he slipped it off and hung it on the stair banner.
" I'm freezing " He whines as he leaped onto the sofa beside me, cuddling into my warm body as I got squished beneath his cold one.
I giggled, running a hand through his hair and hugging back to warm him up.
" nice to see you too. Where were you? " I laughed, as he raised his head, looking up at me with a smirk, before speaking.
" you'll find out one day "


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