| chapter forty three |

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three years later.

I smiled down at Bella, picking her up into my arms with the largest smile growing on my face. She giggled as I kissed her cheek, my eyes lighting up at the sight of the little girl in her adorable dress.
" don't you look beautiful!! " I squealed, running my hand along the fabric of her outfit, as she smiled widely at me.
The girl rushed off towards her mother when I placed her down on the ground, Kaylee entering the room beside Lisa, Cameron, my mom, and my aunt Claire.

Their jaws dropped when they saw me, all of them tearing up at the sight of me, in my wedding dress. This was the day, the day we'd been planning for what felt like forever.

" you look absolutely stunning, dear " My mom grinned as she approached me, her eyes glossy, as she wafted her hands in front of her face.
" I can't ruin my makeup, for god's sake! " She giggled, sitting down in an empty seat, and placing Bella in her lap.

Kaylee was wearing her bridesmaid dress, which was a nude pink colour. It was beautiful, and her daughters dress was matching.

Everyone and everything, looked perfect.
This day was going to be perfect.

" Are you ready? " Kaylee asked, balancing her beautiful baby girl Bella on her hip.
I took a deep breathe, nodding my head. I was ready, but nervous as hell. Grayson was going to be my husband, and I couldn't wait to see the smile on his face as I walked down the aisle.
" let's do it "

Grayson's pov.

The music began to play as all of our guests rose to their feet, turning to the doors which the love of my life would soon walk through. I straightened out my tux with my shaky hands, glancing at Ethan, who was stood beside me with a huge smile, nodding his head at me reassuringly.

I couldn't believe this was really happening.
She would finally be Isabella Dolan.

The whole crowd awed as Bella tiptoed down the aisle, throwing petals along the walkway for the bridge, whilst smiling an adorable toothy grin. As soon as Bella reached the front, she went straight for her dad, and I watched as Ethan took his beautiful daughter into his arms, carrying her for the ceremony.

That was when I looked back at the aisle, the sight of Isabella appearing at the doorway making my eyes turn glossy. Her dress was stunning, but the fact that she was the one wearing it, walking towards me, made it perfect. Everything about Isabella was perfect, and I'd known it since the day I first met her, even if I was rude and ignorant.

" Do you mind if I sit here? " The girl that had approached me asked, making me sigh dramatically.
I raised my head from my phone, my eyes taking in the appearance of the girl stood in front of me. Thank god I was wearing sunglasses and she couldn't see, because I stared for far too long. Her beauty was mesmerising. From her petite figure to her gorgeous eyes, and her light brown hair, she was beautiful.
But me being me, I decided to be an ass.
" kind of.. yeah " I murmured rudely, expecting the girl to bow down at my feet, apologise, and leave me alone.
But when she scoffed and placed her bag down on the bench anyway, I grew confused.
" wow, that was uncalled for " She shot, crossing her arms together.
" as is your company " I added, watching as she shook her head in pure disbelief, and pulled out her camera and laptop.
She began scrolling through god knows what, her eyes concentrated on the screen. That was when I swivelled around, giving her a look at my face for the first time. She looked up at me, her eyes travelling over every inch of my face, with no sunglasses to hide her staring. However, when I pulled my own glasses off of my head, she gave me a look of pure bewilderment.
" since when have you been coming to my spot? " I asked with a smirk, watching as the pretty girl's eyebrow raised.
" your spot? You don't even go to this school, if I'm right " She replied, a smirk appearing on my lips, yet again.
It was silent, as she returned to her laptop. I couldn't help but watch her, my eyes squinting as I took in her mesmerising appearance.
" can I help you? " She suddenly scoffed, making me chuckle.
" not at all, actually " was how I responded, making her sigh before she continued with whatever she were doing.
Silence took over us, as I continued watching the girl. I shouldn't have been so intrigued, but I was. She was interesting, different, more like. And it was definitely a good different.

I wiped away the tear that left my eyes as my beautiful wife to be made her way towards me, everything feeling complete as she joined me at the front.

I wanted nothing more than to protect her with everything I could, like I had done, and will continue to do. She was my whole world, and I knew it long before she became my girlfriend.

Looking at Isabella, I can see my whole future right in front of my eyes. It's as if the world is showing me what's meant to be, and damn, is this meant to be.

I may have caused a lot of trouble for the two of us, but the fact that she's standing next to me, grinning from ear to ear, as happy as could be, the most in love, is what counts.


this book has been so amazing to write, and i'm so so sorry this took so long for me to get up! it isn't great, but i haven't been feeling inspired to finish this book. i didn't want to leave it and never end it for you guys, so i tried as best as i could to make it the best it could possibly be!

thank you so much for the endless support you guys have given me throughout both this book, and the sequel. and thank you in general for continuing to support me through everything.

i have so many good things coming soon, and i can't wait for you all to see the final outcome.

i love you all, thank you.

- jess x

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