chapter seventeen

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I tapped my foot against the ground, patiently waiting for Ethan to arrive at Kaylee's house. I knew what I was going to see, an apology from Ethan, I just knew. He loves Kaylee, with all of his heart.

Suddenly, the door burst open, and in came Ethan, his breathing unsteady and his chest rising up and down in a rhythm. Kaylee immediately stood up, being pulled into Ethan's arms. I watched the pair, smiling at how Ethan rubbed up and down the sides of her arms, before pulling away, sighing loudly.
" I'm so sorry, Kaylee... I don't know why I acted like such a dick, you needed me and I wasn't there " He breathed out, meaning every single word.
Knew it.
Kaylee nodded, her hand on his upper arm.
" at least you know you acted like a dick " she said, making him laugh a little, before turning serious again, remembering the situation they're in together.
" I promise that whatever you chose to do, I'm here every step of the way " He hurried out, frantic as he spoke.
Kaylee looked gobsmacked, like she couldn't believe what he was saying. And neither could I, although I knew he'd come around eventually. I just didn't think it'd be this soon.
" Ethan, you said you weren't re- " she begun, before he cut her off by taking her hand again.
" well I've thought about it. I'm 18, I'm financially stable, we can buy our own place, raise the baby together... Im not losing you, and I'm not losing this baby " He breathed out, his lips curving up into a genuine smile, as did hers.
I felt myself grinning from ear to ear, watching the happy scene unfold right before my eyes. Of course, mistakes happen, this wasn't planned. But whatever the world throws at you, you have to take on. And they're taking this on together.
" what do you say? " Ethan finished, his hands now on his girlfriends waist, rubbing her hip gently.
She didn't respond, she just stood on her tiptoes, smashing her lips against his, her arms snaking around his neck.
I turned away slightly, covering my eyes like a child.
" woah, I am here, you know? " I giggled, making the two pull apart.
They laughed at me, standing so close together that they may as well just be one.
Ethan and Kaylee are so similar, so similar that they clash and argue 24/7. But they're in love, and it doesn't take a genius to see it and to feel it. They would do anything for one another, and Ethan is maturing, so he can be with her for every moment of this pregnancy.
" yes, despite how much kids annoy me " Kaylee smiled, making Ethan and I laugh.
" I'm going to be a fucking dad " Ethan said to himself, trying to let the words sink in.
I watched as he grinned, pulling Kaylee back into his arms again for a long hug.
I clapped my hands together, covering my mouth in disbelief and shock.

Then it sunk in.
This was actually happening.


Don't be silly, wrap your willy

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