chapter nineteen

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" do you guys want anything while I'm out? I can stop off at the store on the way back, if you want " my mom asked as Brady, Shelby, Kaylee and I sat in the living room, watching TV.
I looked over at her, before back at my friends, hoping one of them would speak up if they wanted something.
" pizza? " Brady smirked, making Shelby wiggle her brows, clearly in the mood for the delicious food too.
My mom laughed, nodding her head before waving goodbye, leaving the house and closing the door behind her.
I looked back at Kaylee, who was in a sports bra and adidas bottoms, looking as tired as ever. What she needed was a good nights sleep. Pizza would help too, in all honesty.
" Has it kicked in yet? " Shelby suddenly asked, resting her face in her hands as she lay on her stomach.
Kaylee's head snapped in her direction, her eyebrow raised.
" what? " She chuckled, slightly confused.
Shelby groaned at my cousin, taking another chip and biting into it, before carrying on.
" that you're having a baby, has it kicked in? " She repeated, making the room fall silent, only the sound of the TV in the background to be heard.
Kaylee let out a sigh, repositioning herself on the sofa.
" nope. I don't think it has for Ethan either, since he seems somewhat excited... he's already thinking of names! He needs to slow down, for real. We don't even know the gender, for fucks sake, I'm not even showing yet! " Kaylee ranted, letting out a frustrated grunt.
All of this is clearly getting to her head, and it's definitely a lot to handle. She's 19 years old, expecting a child within the first few months of next year. It's crazy, but I know she can pull through. With Ethan by her side, she can.
" calm down, there's a baby in there... " Brady sighed, sitting beside her and placing his hand on her bare belly, rubbing slightly.
My cousin completely froze, looking at her belly as her muscles softened, a more relaxed look on her face.
" I'm scared " she mumbled, still looking at her almost flat belly, which had the slightest bit of a bump, barely even noticeable.
I had no clue how far along she was in the pregnancy, a few weeks? Maybe even a month?

Hearing her admit that she was worrying about all of this, was like a breath of fresh air. She shouldn't keep all of her emotions bottled up, especially since it's normal to be scared in times like this. She's expecting a child, of course she's going to be terrified beyond belief.

Soon enough, the topic changed, to how she would have to meet Ethan's parents. It shocked me how she hadn't met them yet, but she has too, especially now. It's not the best first impression, or the best way to introduce your girlfriend to your mom and dad: by saying that she's carrying their grandchild, but it has to be done.
" apparently Ethan's told his parents that he has someone he wants them to meet over dinner.... and that you and Gray are coming along too for moral support " Kaylee breathed out, looking visibly nervous for the event.
I would be too. In fact, I am.
" they're lovely, don't worry.. " I announced, still not putting her at ease at all.
" is still confuses me as to why you haven't met them yet... " Brady struggled to ask, crossing his arms against his chest.
" because they're fucking rich, and look at me! I'm definitely not the type of person they pictured their son being with. What are they going to think of me? What if they think I'm a gold digger or something? I'm scared shitless " Kaylee rambled, her eyes wide and her lips parted as she took a deep breath.
I sat there, dumbfounded. She didn't want to meet them, because she was scared of what they'd think of her. Kaylee usually never cares what other people think of her, because if they don't like it, they can leave.
" you really love him, don't you? " I asked, silence following, before her answer interrupted the quiet moment.
" yes "


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