chapter thirty four

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I sat on my bed, running the straightening iron through my hair slowly. I could hear the sound of Harper rambling on in the background, talking about how much she wanted to go to New York after hearing about Grayson and I's trip.

After her apology to Kaylee and Ethan, the two of us bonded all over again. I realised that people can change to better themselves, and she has. Harper had also been through so much more than what I thought she had, than what anyone thought she had, which caused her to act out a lot more.
At sixteen, Harper's boyfriend who she loved so much, left her. He left her because she told him the news that she was two months pregnant with their baby. He left, and didn't give a care in the world, but she also had found out that he'd cheated on her, several times. Harper was strong, she wanted to raise the child on her own, but soon enough, she miscarried. The girl was heartbroken, lost. Although she would have been the only parent to her baby, at sixteen, she loved her child with all of her heart.
Harper and her mother kept all of this to them-self, and it surprised me that nobody had heard about it.
" which dress are you wearing? " Harper asked me as she looked at the many laying on my bed, and I shrugged.
I put the iron down, looking at them myself with a puzzled look across my face.
" ugh, I don't know. Grayson said that I need to dress fancy, but all of these are gorgeous " I raised a brow, Harper gasping suddenly.
I watched her pick up the red outfit, a smirk on her lips as she eyed the clothing.
" this, is the one. Where did you get it? " She smiled as she held it up against me.
I grinned when she chose it, remembering that it was the one that Grayson had bought me whilst shopping for a dress for my mom's birthday.
I remembered what he said, a smirk forming on my lips as I thought back to that day.
Maybe this was that special plan.

" I have something special planned for you, and that outfit is perfect for it "

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