chapter four

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I pulled my suitcase up towards Grayson's car, trying with all my strength to lift it off the ground, and into the trunk. I felt a hand placed on my hip, while the other grabbed my suitcase, placing it into the car with ease.
" you don't have to do that " Grayson chuckled, as I tried to grab his smaller suitcase, which he hadn't put in yet.
I did it, just managing to pick it up and throw it into the boot, with not as much ease. Grayson laughed at me, throwing up his hands in defence before he closed the trunk. The two of us headed towards our family and friends, who had all met at the twin's house, wanting to say their goodbyes.
" why are we making this so dramatic? " I giggled, wrapping Aaron and Jack both in a hug together.
" because you're going to New York with your boyfriend! A lot can happen in the space of five days! " Shelby smirked, before I cut her off, not wanting her to go on anymore.
" I'll miss you " Shelby pouted, hugging me tighter than ever.
I giggled, telling the girl I'd miss her too before moving onto my family.
" bye mom, I love you " I smiled, my mom already emotional which I knew she would be.
After I'd said goodbye to my mom, I pulled Kaylee into an embrace, probably the hardest one yet.
" be safe, and by be safe I mean- " Kaylee begun, before I punched her arm, shutting her up as she burst into a fit of laughter.
" Bye E " I smiled, giving Ethan a hug too, messing his hair up with my hand.
He chuckled, looking between me and his brother.
" have fun, don't forget about me " Ethan sighed, pouting like a baby.
" it's only five days, I don't think I could forget about the person who I shared the womb with in that amount of time " Grayson giggled, making Ethan gasp.
" so you're saying you could forget about me if you were away longer? " Ethan acted upset, his hand on his heart.
I laughed at the two, my boyfriend shaking his head at his brother with a smirk.
" I could never, I'll miss you, E " Grayson said, his arms wrapping around his twin brother.
I watched in awe, my eyes watering at the emotional goodbye. It was adorable, but I knew Ethan was going to miss his brother more than anything. I mean, this is the first time they've been away from each other, like this.
We stepped back, having said goodbye to everyone. I felt Grayson intertwine his fingers with mine, placing a kiss to the crown of my head. I smiled, looking at all of my family and friends before my mom spoke up.
" Grayson, honey, come here " My mom giggled, grabbing Gray and pulling him into the sweetest hug, making my heart throb rapidly.
It's amazing how much my mom approves of Grayson and I, it's like a dream. She couldn't love him more, and she trusts him with me more than anyone.
" please take care of her " I heard her say, Grayson pulling out of the hug and grinning wider than ever, his pearly white teeth on show.
" you don't have to worry about that, Julia "

I watched as Grayson reversed out of his driveway, keeping one hand on the wheel as he used the other to wave at everyone. Soon enough, the large house was out of sight, and we were on our way to the airport. That was when the excitement really kicked in, as I grinned, looking back at Grayson to see that he was in fact smiling himself too. He looked to the side quickly, giggling with me while he moved a hand to my leg, rubbing it comfortingly as he drove. This was the beginning, we were on our way to New York. Together.

" you're going to break your back, Bella " Grayson laughed, watching as I tried my best to hurl the suitcases out of the trunk like I had earlier.
Grayson stopped me, doing it himself instead and placing them on the ground swiftly. I grabbed the handle, while Grayson did the same with his, wheeling out luggage towards the entry of the airport.
As soon as we got inside we checked in, our bags leaving to head towards the plane, or wherever it goes before that. The two of us were desperate to get through security, so we wasted no time, heading through.
Security at the airport is always the most stressful thing. It's so rushed and hectic, with many eager passengers just wanting to get passed it and into duty free.
" thank god that's over " Grayson chuckled, taking my hand.
I laughed, ready to get on the plane, and land in New York. It's such a short flight, but Grayson insisted on flying, since he didn't want to have to go through the stress of driving, apparently. I can understand that, though.
After a little while of waiting around, we were called to our gate, where we both excitedly walked, arriving in no time.

I could practically see Grayson bouncing up and down in excitement beside me as we headed up the steps towards the plane, handing the woman our boarding passes and instantly making our way to find our seats.
" we're sitting here " I told Grayson once I'd found them, my bag being pulled gently from my shoulders and placed into the overhead compartment, by Gray.
I thanked him, taking the window seat and buckling myself in as soon as I sat down, Grayson doing the same.
" I'm so excited, you have no idea " Grayson beamed, looking so adorable and happy.
" me too, Gray " I giggled, grabbing his hand and squeezing it.
I brung it to my legs, keeping it there as I continued to play with his fingers. I knew I'd get nervous, it's something about taking off that makes my heart beat ten times faster and my hands shake.
" nervous? " Grayson whispered to me, as I nodded, leaning my head on his shoulder.
" it's okay, I'm here " He reassured me, earning a slight nod.
I felt him kiss my head, as I smiled to myself, feeling lucky as ever to have him in my life. I watched intently as eager passengers boarded the plane, soon almost completely filled up as the flight attendants ran through the safety instructions. As soon as that was over and we were on the runway, I stopped looking out the window, now staring at Grayson since he somehow always manages to calm me down.
The engines roared, the plane speeding across the runway, and taking off into the air like there was no tomorrow. Grayson's grin only grew wider, his smile making my nerves fade, something he manages to do all of the time. He slowly leaned over, a smirk on his face before he spoke up.
" brace yourselves, New York "


I'm so excited to be writing the New York chapters omg!! So much stuff is going to happen and I'm so happy

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