chapter twenty five

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I rolled over in my bed, stretching out my arm in hopes of cuddling up to Grayson. Instead I hit my laptop, making me open my eyes in surprise. A random YouTube video was playing, making me groan, as I paused it and shut my laptop closed. That was when I remembered that Grayson didn't stay last night, he went home to talk to his dad.

I headed downstairs to join my mom in the kitchen, where she had placed a bowl of cereal on the counter for me.
" thanks mom... what're we doing today? " I asked, as I took a spoonful of the coco pops, my all time favourite cereal since I was a child.
" shopping for your outfit to my birthday party... oh and tell Grayson he can come with us if he wants. It feels like I haven't seen him in forever! " My mom giggled, taking a sip of her tea as she sat on the stool opposite me.
She gently swayed on her chair as I nodded, finishing up my breakfast.
" so is he coming to the party, too? " I continued, hoping she'd say yes.
I knew she would, since she loves my boyfriend a lot. My mom's turning forty-five, and she never really does anything for her birthdays each year. But this year I insisted that she threw a little party, since I knew she'd never do it without a little push from someone.
" of course he is! I was thinking about inviting Sean and Lisa too " she shrugged, my eyes lighting up at the idea.
I knew that my mom was getting even closer the twins parents after meeting them, and having them be their too would be amazing.
" you should. They'd definitely be up for it " I nodded, as I stood up, heading over to the sink where I washed my dishes.
I told my mom that I had to get ready, rushing up the stairs excitedly. As soon as I reached my bedroom I picked out a basic outfit, consisting of some ripped jeans and a hoodie, one which I had borrowed from Grayson and refused to give back. He didn't care though, he never even questioned it.

I still felt half asleep from my slumber, and sitting on my extremely comfortable bed was just pure torture.
While I waited for my mom to get ready, I checked my messages, noticing that I had missed one. It was from Kaylee, and she was clearly happy. I texted a quick reply and searched for Grayson's contact, calling him immediately with a grin.
" look at that, you finally decided to get up! " Grayson teased as soon as he picked up, making me roll my eyes.
" good morning to you too, Gray " I mumbled, hearing a scoff on the other end of the phone.
" don't you mean, good afternoon? " Grayson giggled, making me sigh.
" oh shut up. Did your dad go over to Kaylee's today? " I asked, eager to know.
I could sense Grayson's grin growing wider as he heard me ask, making me smile to myself.
" yep, I talked to him last night, and he went over this morning... he's still shocked, but he's going to support them all of the way " Grayson explained to me, making me let out a girly squeal and clap my hands.
My boyfriend giggled at me, while I contained the rest of my excitement. Things were finally working out for them.
" well, you want to come over? We can watch some movies and order pizza or something " Gray asked, while I remembered what my mom had offered downstairs in the kitchen.
" oh, I forgot to ask! My mom's having a birthday party that you're invited to, but she also wants to go shopping today for my outfit... she wants you to come with us " I told him, hoping that he wasn't busy.
" sure, I'll come over now "

I walked towards the entrance of the mall with Grayson beside me, and my mom a little ahead of us. We didn't know what shop we wanted to go in first, and so we decided on H&M, in hopes of finding a few nice dresses that weren't too fancy. It was just a party being thrown at home with a selection of family members and friends, so I didn't have to be to dressy.
As soon as we went into the shop, Grayson's eyes were glued to a nude coloured body con dress, which ended even higher than mid thigh. It was a gorgeous dress, but definitely not the type you'd wear to your mom's forty-fifth birthday party.
" you really think I'd wear that to my mom's birthday party? " I raised a brow at my boyfriend, who smirked as he looked at me.
He shrugged, taking my hand and leading me towards a different rack of dresses.
" you'd look amazing in it, but I agree... I don't want an older guy getting any ideas " Grayson smiled a toothy grin, whilst I rolled my eyes, letting out a chuckle.
" because if they did I'd beat their ass " He finished his sentence, looking though the clothes rack for me as he searched for an outfit.
" you'd beat an old mans ass? " I giggled, making him roll his eyes as he held out a red material.
" you should try this on " He smiled, passing me the red dress.
I looked at it in awe, taking in all of the gorgeous details. It wasn't the type of dress for a house party, let alone a party for your parent, but it was beautiful.
I took Grayson's hand, leading him to the changing rooms as I clutched the dress close to me. He sat down, pulling out his phone to occupy himself until I was changed.
As soon as I closed the curtain I slipped off my hoodie, as well as my jeans, before climbing into the outfit.

I ran my hands down the leather material, standing to the side to see how it fits. It looked pretty, but red really isn't my colour. The silky and very low v neck reached down to the top of the leather skirt, showing a lot of cleavage. I finished examining the fancy dress, and pulled the curtain open, Grayson's head snapping up from his phone.
I watched as his eyes looked me up and down, licking his lips slightly at he stared at me in the red dress, with an open cut at mid thigh.
" you look amazing " He breathed out, making me grin.
" thank you... " I trailed off, turning around to look into the mirror again.
I was really doubting myself in it. It was a gorgeous outfit, but I didn't know if I looked gorgeous in it.
" please tell me you're getting it " Grayson blurted it out, making me turn around.
I let out a chuckle, making a decision in my head.
" no, probably not... red isn't my colour and I don't know how I feel being in it " I shrugged, while Grayson raised a brow.
He stood up, his hands on my waist as he pushed me into the changing room. My breath hitched as my back hit the mirror, and Grayson was staring deep into my eyes, like he could see through to my soul.
" I'm getting you this dress. If red isn't your colour, then I don't know what is " He almost whispered, his hot breath fanning my neck, making me shiver under his touch.
I was so tempted to close the curtains, and kiss his signature smirk right off of his face, but before I could get ahead of myself, a high pitched voice filled with horror was heard.
" sir, get out of there, please! " A woman called out from down the hall, making my eyes go wide as Grayson's cheeks blushed a deep shade of red.
He turned around, getting out of the changing room as fast as he could while I held in my laugh, and changed out of the dress.
As soon as I was back in my comfortable hoodie and had the clothing in my hands, I rushed out of the changing rooms, grabbing Grayson's hand and dragging him with me. It was embarrassing walking down the hall, as I'm guessing the woman who shouted at us, was stood right there, eyeing us as we made our way to the cashier.

" that was so fucking awkward " Grayson chuckled, running a hand through his thick brown hair as he took the H&M bag out of my hands.
I laughed, covering my face in embarrassment as I thought about what that lady must've been thinking.
" and your fault " I stuck my tongue out at him like a child, watching his grin grow bigger as his cheeks were still rosy, making him look ten times more adorable.
" did you get a dress?!? " My mom squealed as she ran up to us, noticing the bag in my boyfriend's hands.
" not the one for your party, but Grayson bought me a different one... thank you, Gray " I smiled, standing on my tiptoes to kiss his cheek as I laced my fingers with his.
He grinned, shrugging as if it were nothing. Grayson's gorgeous hazel eyes met with mine as he looked down on me, a grin forming on his face as he spoke.
" I have something special planned for you, and that outfit is perfect for it "



On a side note, Ethan got so deep into the cheating question I was like FUCK HER BBY SLAYYY

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