chapter eighteen

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I pushed open the door to the Dolan's house, smiling when I saw Grayson putting his shoes on, ready to leave.
" how's Kaylee and E? Did they fix things? " He asked, making a smile form on my face.
I nodded slowly, and I could see the excitement through his eyes.
" yep, they did. He wants to be there for her every step of the way, Gray " I beamed, soon being swept off my feet and pulled into the tightest hug.
I giggled, my head on his chest before I looked up at him, his eyes stuck on me like glue.
" I'm going to be an uncle, can you believe that? " He smiled, obviously liking the idea.
I grinned, squeezing his cheeks in my hand.
" and you'll be an auntie " Grayson smirked, leaning down and pecking my cheek, his words freezing me.
I never thought of it that way. I will basically, be an auntie in nine months time. I can't even believe that this is real, but it's starting to make me excited, and less scared.

Grayson made sure he had his keys, closing the door once we'd left the house and locking the door behind him. We started to head down the path, climbing into his car as we were ready to go to the movies.
One question began running through my mind at ninety miles an hour, making me want to ask it, although I slightly feared the answer. I decided to ask, knowing it'd come out eventually.
" do your parents know about Kaylee being pregnant? " I asked, looking over at my boyfriend with a raised brow.
His face almost changed immediately, as he sank down in the drivers seat, since we hadn't started driving. The look on his face said it all, his eyebrows scrunched together as he let out a long and depreciating sigh, before saying the words that threw the two into the worst situation possible.
" my parents haven't even met Kaylee yet "



Answer honestly: Am I rushing this?

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