chapter thirty three

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I stood on my bed, also on my tiptoes as I rummaged around on the top shelf. I'd never been able to reach that shelf, but I knew that there was so many things on there that I wanted to have a look through. Stuff like memory boxes, old photos I'd forgotten about, and even some tiny toys that I used to love collecting as a kid.
" shit " I mumbled as I went over on my foot, starting to laugh at myself as I nearly fell off my bed.
" need a hand? " Grayson joked with a smirk as he entered me room, a massive pizza box in his arms.
I shook my head, continuing to try and jump up and reach the object closest to the end, but failed again.
Before I could attempt it once more, a large pair of hands were felt on my waist and Grayson lifted me up, so I could get a clear view at what I was trying to grab. I took in the sight before my eyes landed on a black, dusty object, something which I hadn't touched since last year. I quickly grabbed it as Grayson placed me back down with ease, sitting beside me as he opened up the delicious smelling food.
" what is it? " Gray asked, not able to see it as I was already examining it myself.
I ignored his question at first, clicking the buttons over and over again, desperate for it to turn on. Soon enough the white screen lit up and so did my eyes, now able to look back at some good memories, and possibly some bad.
" my camera from high school " I mumbled, happy that I'd found this object and confused as to why I'd never looked up there before.
" can I see? " My boyfriend asked with a smile, eager to see some of my photos from before I had even met him.
I nodded, selecting to go into my gallery while thousands of my images popped up. What I saw made my heart drop, but I did expect it. I clicked on the first one, looking up at Grayson to see his jaw clenched and his fists curled up, something which reminded me of the day that he finally gave that guy a piece of his mind.
It was a photo of Parker Daniel's, meant for the school newspaper, and he was running out onto the soccer field before his big game. His cocky smirk was plastered on his face, something which I thought was a genuine smile at the time. Gosh, I was so naive.
"delete it " Grayson suddenly spoke, his voice low and deep.
I blinked in shock, my heart pounding as I thought back to what that boy did. That was something that I'd been able to forget, but now here I was, thinking of it again, letting it terrify me.
" I said delete it, Isabella. I don't want to see that piece of shit ever again " Grayson said through gritted teeth, whilst snatching the camera out of my hands and removing the picture.
Once he was done he handed it back to me, his nostrils flared in anger as he tried to calm himself down. Grayson soon sighed, taking my hand in his and rubbing it soothingly before placing a soft kiss on my knuckles.
" I'm sorry " he apologised, something which he didn't have to do.
" Grayson, you didn't do anything. Don't say that " I reassured him, picking the camera back up and skipping through the other photos.
A large grin appeared on my face as I stared at the first photo of Grayson, where we were in his treehouse after he pretty much saved me in Starbucks. Gray let out a cute giggle as he looked at it, something which pretty much made me forget about even seeing that photo before, and something which made me want to move on even more than I already did.
I looked at the next one, a photo of Grayson and I together at the beach, smiling widely in the water. I'm guessing Ethan took that photo, as that was probably the day he met Kaylee for the first time.
I was right, as the next one was of both Kaylee and Ethan sat on the sand laughing, both unaware that they were getting photographed. It was a cute photo, and it brought the largest smile to my face, an irreplaceable one.
Grayson brought me closer to his chest, hugging me tightly and kissing my forehead gently.
" you make me the happiest man on the planet, Bella, and soon I will make you mine for real "


ummm Parker made a reappearance BUT not literally. yet, anyway.

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