chapter eight

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I threw my bag over my shoulder, my phone in my pocket as Grayson unplugged his from the charger. It was the basically the third day, since the first day was us travelling to New York. Our plan for today was to go to Brooklyn, and see what we could do around there. Grayson wanted me to see as much as possible, and so did I, and it was even better that I was in my dream city with my dream guy.

I held onto the rope, smiling for the photo as Grayson took a few. He looked down at his phone, smiling wider than ever as he slid it back into his pocket. I motioned for him to come over, which he did, pulling out my phone to take a photo with him. Grayson's arm wrapped around me and he naturally grinned, whilst I stood on my tiptoes, kissing his cheek. The photo looked really cute, with the tall buildings and the East River in the background, which looked absolutely gorgeous.
Once I'd put my phone away, Grayson took my hand, continuing to walk across the bridge, admiring the view that I was in love with.
" I'm starting to think you want to move to New York " Grayson laughed, before I shook my head.
" I love it here, but I love home. I could never imagine New York being home, NJ is " I told him, whilst he hummed, understanding.
I could feel Grayson playing with my fingers in his hand, something he always does which I find cute.
" we travel back in two days " Grayson announced, making me naturally frown at the thought of leaving.
" it's been amazing though, thank you for this all " I smiled, squeezing his hand reassuringly.
Grayson nodded, hiding his smile a little bit by looking ahead at the buildings, since we'd now crossed the bridge.
" are you hungry? " Grayson asked, my tummy rumbling as he spoke.
He laughed a little, obviously hearing it as he nodded.
" let's get lunch, I know a cute place " Grayson said, clearly eager as he started to walk faster, almost pulling me along with him.
" Grayson, slow down! " I giggled, his smirk growing bigger.
" oh, you nasty, nasty boy " I gasped, making him chuckle as he continued to walk at an inhuman speed.
" but for real, can you slow down? " I laughed again, as he turned around really quickly to face me.
" not unless you want me to piss on the floor "

I took the final slice of pizza, biting into it and savouring the delicious taste. This was possibly the best pizza, I'd ever eaten. Grayson clearly thought the same, nodding his head as he ate, impressed.
" since tomorrow is our last night... I'm taking you on a date, to a nice restaurant " Grayson announced, as he took a sip of his water.
I smiled at the idea, remembering how Shelby and Kaylee told me to bring a nice dress. They knew all about this, clearly.
" I'm excited, which restaurant? " I grinned, looking at my amazing boyfriend from across the table, who smirked smugly.
" that's for me to know, and you to find out " He told me, making me groan.
" Gray " I warned, but he only smirked more.
" Bella "
" Grayson "
" Isabella "
" shut up, just tell me " I giggled, while he stayed silent, his face resting in his hand as he raised a brow.
" nope " Grayson said again, popping the p as I shrunk back into my seat.
" it's a surprise, but you'll love it... trust me "


the next chapters are pretty eventful...
Let's just hope I don't let any of you smut lovers down with my shit writing skills lmao

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