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Leah's pov

That girl Jennifer..she seems nice. It was a surprise to have someone like her come here. She's really pretty..like really pretty. Emme is adorable too and looks just like her. I wouldn't mind Sofia and Emme getting closer as friends. It means I get to see Jennifer more. Even though she's probably married since she has a daughter, id like to see her more. She's a milf. Being bisexual is different and weird for a mother but it is what it is.

I hear a knock on the door and I'm assuming it's sofia. I got up and opened the door and I was right.

"You're home early"

"Jennifer gave me a ride home again" she says happily. "Oh she did? She didn't come up?"

"No Emme has a doctors appointment right now so they had to leave right away"

"Oh I See" I say and close the door. I hope she comes up next time. "I'm gonna have to get you a spare key so you wouldn't have to knock every time you get home"

"Yeah I need one. What if you're asleep and I wait outside for a long time"

"You're right. Well I promise I'll get one soon. Okay?"

This whole week I've been looking around for jobs. Both online and in person. I've brought in my resume to most places. Hopefully I get a call back. At this point I really need a second job. All these bills are too much and I haven't even been able to buy things for myself, mostly for Sofia but she knows also that I can't keep buying her things. I have a business degree but every time I apply somewhere they say they aren't looking for anyone to hire at the moment.

Sofia got another ride home today from Jennifer. In fact Jennifer and Emme and here right now. She let Emme play with sofia for a little so Jennifer was here sitting at the couch talking with me. I'm more nervous than I was before because I've thought about her more and she just looks better everyday.

"how long has sofia been going to the school?"

"Ever since kindergarten. Actually she was supposed to move to a public school after her dad left us because I couldn't afford it but I'm just working my ass off trying everything just for her. I don't want her to switch schools"

"Ohh..I see" she says. I don't think she expected that. She obviously doesn't know I struggle. I think I'm completely different from her. She looks and dresses like she's rich. I dress nice too but like the extra details that show it off. For example the louboutins she's wearing now and she has The newest phone that just came out. Sofia told me Emme has her own iPad and that they have more than one car and they're both nice.

"So what do you work as?" She asks me. "Oh- I'm a waitress at this fancy restaurant. It pays more than an average restaurant but still not enough. But everything counts" I nervously say. "I take the train there. It takes 30 minutes."

"Oh I used to take the train a while back. Those are fun" she says

"Yeah haha..how about you? What do you work as?"

"I'm just doing like business. My sister owns a huge company and she let me work with her"

Business. Well there's one thing in common. She got lucky.

"Oh that's great!"

She just smiles and nods her head. I feel like she has more to say but she doesn't wanna brag to me cause that would be rude. I mean it would but I like talking with her. Even though I'm nervous I like it.

"My ex husband worked at our company too but just for a month. A month before we realized we weren't working out..and yeah. Then divorced a little later but that's another story"

"Oh I'm sorry"

"It's fine! Haha I didn't feel anything for him anyways. Emme doesn't even worry about him. Me and her have a great mother and daughter bond"

"I could tell. That's the same thing with Sofia and I."

"It's great"


There was an awkward silence. She went on her phone afterwards and I stood up to get myself some water.

"Would you like some water?" I ask her "Oh sure! Please"

I came back to the couch and brought her a water and sat back down.
"Wait..so then you're single?" She asks me.
"Yeah" "girl me too!" She says and my heart stops? I thought she'd be with someone else after her divorce.

"Really? You?" I ask and look at her and she smiles "haha Yeah."

"Wow. Well I guess we both live the single mom life"


"Mommy!" I hear Emme scream out. Jennifer get up and goes to Sofia's room. "What babe?"

"Sofia wants me to sleep over one day. Can I?"

"Yeah sure of course one day"

I'd rather have sofia sleep over their house but that's fine. I just don't want Emme to judge but she's really little still so I guess it'll be fine.

"We should get going now Emme"

"Aww..okaaay" She says.

I lead Emme and Jennifer to the door but Jennifer and I started to talk more so I ended up downstairs with her. She unlocked the car from the stairs so Emme went inside right away. Sofia was right. Their car is nice as hell.

"Thanks for giving sofia a ride again"

"No problem! I'll see you next time" she smiles and walks over to her car. My eyes went straight to her ass. This is the first time I actually had a clear view of her ass. It's huge! How is she single? Wow.

The Nice GirlTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang