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Leahs pov

Tomorrow is the day that jen and I get married. It's unbelievable honestly. I always say it but I never thought I'd be marrying a woman while having a child in the picture. I never thought everything would work out this good but it has. I'm most thankful that jen and I never had a problem aside from when I broke up with her..which I still can't believe..and when I thought she cheated on me. I only broke up with her for Emme so Emme wouldn't be confused. So I did that as a good thing even though it hurt back then to not be with jen. But what I mean is like..nothing else aside from that has gotten in between us. Usually in my relationships..the problem would be because of cheating or just because we weren't feeling the relationship anymore. But jen and I are crazy over each other and now we're getting married.

Today all the kids are at Jennifer's sisters house, Lynda, I'm also very thankful for Lynda the most. She's what kept me and jen to get this far and she always helped by watching the kids so jen and I could have time alone. So me and jen are going to Disneyland together. Just the two of us. The girls got mad at us for not taking them but Lynda told them she'd take them somewhere fun today.

"Ugh. It's packed today. They're making us park on the roof level!" jen whined as I drove up the parking lot following the cones where to park.

"It's okay. I'll make sure you won't be bored while waiting in line"

"It's not just that. I hate people.. crowds to be specific"

"Haha.. I know" I said and reached for her cheek and pinched it.

We parked then went down to the trams. After taking the tram to the park, we went straight to space mountain to get a fast pass so we could go back later and not have to wait in line. Then we went to walk all the way to the other side to get on thunder mountain.

I get butterflies holding Jens hand still. Mostly because I could just feel her ring as I hold her hand. It's one of the best feelings. She started to swing our hands as we were almost at the entrance of the line. Once we got there and waited in line, she let go and stood next to me and hugged me from the side.

"At least this line isn't that long" she said. "Which ride should we go on next?" I asked. She doesn't let go but looks at me. Her eyes went to my eyes then my lips, then back at my eyes. "Splash mountain?" "You want to get wet this early?? It's barely 11" I said. She smirks and pokes my nose. Weirdo.

"I've gotten wet way earlier than this before..it's okay"

"No. We're not about to make sexual jokes today" i said which made jen laugh and she let go of me as the line moved and she walked forward. She wore leggings today so her ass is popping out and everything. I've already caught sooo many people looking at it. I do get annoyed by it but then I remember..I'm the one marrying her tomorrow. She's my girl.

After that ride, we went to splash mountain's line. We waited for a few minutes and suddenly jen was craving for a churro. Great.

"Jen were already halfway there. I don't wanna loose our place"

"I'll get it! It's right around the corner and I'll come back quick"


"Do you want one?"

"I'll just share with you"

"Mkaay. Be right back!" She said and climbed over the rope that forms the line and left. I watched her till I couldn't see her anymore and didn't realize the line moved.

"So. Does she have a boyfriend?" I hear someone say. I was gonna ignore because I thought it was towards someone else. But when I turned I realized it was towards me.

The guy who asked, stood next to me as the line sloooowly moved.

"I- um no she doesn't." I said then looked away and went on my phone.

"Is she interested?" He asks. He's annoying me so much right now. The way he's asking first of all is plain annoying and second..I just get annoyed when random people hit on my fiancé.

"She's taken"

"But.. I thought you said.."

I hold up my hand and showed him my ring and forced a smile. "She's my fiancé" I said and he kind of froze. "Oh-wow- I-oh.." "Yup.." i said and jen came back.

"Here you go!" She smiles. "Oh wait I didn't even get a bite yet" she said and takes a bite then points the churro to me to bite while she held it. So I took a bite but looked at the guy. Then she pulled it away and she bit it after me.

"You okay?" She asks me then looks at the guy. He's still checking her out..

"Hi" he said.

"Did I not just tell you she's my fiancé??"

"I- yeah. Sorry." He said and I turned back forward and walked as the line moved. I made jen walk in front of me. Once the line stopped I rested my arms over her shoulder from behind and had her ass fully against my front.

"Babe what happened?" She asks me. "Mm..he was asking if you had a boyfriend and kept checking you out" "oh.." "everyone just loves you dont they" "Yeah I guess...but I love you only" she smiles and leans her head back onto my arm. "What about our kids and family?" "I love em too" she giggles and so did I. Then I kissed her cheek for a few seconds. She just kept laughing for no reason. She's so cute. I really can't wait to marry her.

We went to go eat lunch at the restaurant by pirates of the Caribbean and ordered their famous clam chowder in a bread bowl. We just got one and decided to share it.

Once we were eating all we did was talk. The only time that we would go on our phones was for pictures and I love how we do that. Communication is key and I just love hearing her voice and listening to everything she has to say.

"..So then, when I threw a party for my sister, she got sooo drunk and gosh..I was the mom of that whole fucking party. I had to clean up everything and take care of lyn after everyone left and I-"

"I can't believe I'm marrying you tomorrow" I interrupted while just looking straight at her eyes.

Jen suddenly got nervous and blushed then scrunched up her nose. "I can't believe it either.." she says. Then looks back down at the food and continued to eat. I watched and she knew I was and started to smile. Eventually she had enough of it.

"Stop looking at me"


"It's weird"

"Me looking at you is weird??"

"No! I mean like- ugh" she stops and covers her faces. "I'm messing with you" I said and continued to eat. She looked up at me with that smile and shook her head. "It's cute how we act like we just met still" "I like treating everyday like I just met you because I'm still crazy about you as much as I was when I first fell in love with you." I said. That was sweet of me. "Awwwww leah" she pouts. "It's the truth" I shrugged my shoulders and took another scoop from the food and ate it.

"Well I love you for that. I fall in love with you even more everyday to the point that I didn't think was possible." She says.

"who knew I'd be marrying the most popular and hottest mom from the girls' school and also popular at the dance studio. That one mother that everyone wanted to fuck..but no she's mine. She's allll mine. She chose me" I smiled.

"I fucking love you so damn much Leah"

"I love you so much mooore" I said

Almost. Almost. :)

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