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Leah's pov

I was going through my phone, bored at home on a Saturday night and realized there was pictures on my phone that I've never seen. Once I opened them I saw that it was me and Jennifer kissing. Oh my god. We look cute but..Emme took this. I remember hearing Jen asking why she had my phone even though my eyes were still on her. She took about three. One was blurry. The other two were tilted to the side. She's not that good at taking pictures so I shouldn't expect it to be so clear. But I love it.

I decide to send it to Jennifer telling her that Emme took it and her response was "😩😩 I really don't get how she randomly became happy for us and not scared. This is kinda cute"

She's right though. Emme isn't even scared of me kissing her mother. I thought she still would be even though she's been hugging and cuddling me but when I kissed Jennifer in front of them, I thought to myself that they were still not paying attention so I did it. But then the kiss was so good that I kept going but then jen pushed back a little after. Which I get. I was about ready for Emme to start screaming but instead she was smiling? Something weird goes through her little brain. But okay. If she's fine with it imma keep going.

2 weeks later
I've finally signed up Sofia for dance. It's at the same place Emme takes it at. Both of them are excited. Jen helped me with it and introduced me to the people I needed to know. I was nervous for Sofia but by the looks of it now, since I'm watching her on her first day, she looks like she's doing fine. She and Emme have the same class since she's just two years older than her so she's kinda comfortable.

"Sofia is so cute" jen tells me. She's sitting right next to me as we watched them through the clear glass that shows them practicing. "Emme is cute too" I said and giggled. "She's doing really good for a starter. I could see her being a great dancer as she gets older" she tells me. "Really?" "Yeah! I mean she's following what to do, better than most beginners." "Well I mean she's always wanted to be a dancer" "that's good. I'm proud of her" she says looking at me and smiles then looks down at my lips then looks away.

Nothings happened in the past two weeks. We don't text a lot. I usually wait for her to text but she does only sometimes. I think she actually wants to take this slow. I'll do this however she wants since everything was my fault. All I know is that I want her back. I also..want to ask her to be my girlfriend...but I don't know if it's the right time yet. Obviously not now. But soon..?
"How was it?" I ask sofia who was so happy. "I loved it!!" "You did a good job today Sofia" jen tells her. "Thank you! It was so fun" she smiles. "Mommy I'm hungryyy" Emme randomly complained. "Oh okay we could go eat..Leah do you guys wanna join?"

"Yes! Can we Mom?!" Sofia chimes in pulling against my arm. Jen bites her lip and smiles. "Sure" I said. "Cool! Okay where to?" "I have noooo idea haha" I said. "Hmm. Okay. I'll figure out and text you the directions." "Alright. See you there." I said and we went out separate ways.

A bit later we met up at a restaurant she chose. It was crowded since it was a Saturday. Once we got seated in a booth everything just felt like the old days when me and we were dating. I miss it all. Of course, Sofia sat on Jens side of the booth by Emme so it's just me on my side.

"I have no clue what I wanna get" I tell jen while looking at my menu. "There's a lot to choose from" "exactly, I cant decide" "You're a picky eater too" "I am not" I say back quickly. "Yes you are" she giggles. "I'll literally eat anything. But then you always want something specific" "Well it's just my cravings. I'm not picky" "oookay whatever you say"

I roll my eyes at her and look back at the menu and so does she.

"Leah say cheese" Emme says holding up her ipad. "Oh-Okay?" I giggle then smile tilting my head to the side a little close to my shoulder tryna to be somewhat cute. "Okay there" Emme says and puts her iPad down. I look at jen for a second, she was biting her lip, and she seemed distracted by what she just saw. I know she was watching me smile. "Uh what's that for Emme?" "I want a pic of each of us on my iPad" "Oh I see" she's so weird and cute and silly. I see why jen loves her. She's like a mini Jennifer.
After we ate, we walked outside. Emme was hugging sofia while walking. I cannot with them. They're literally the cutest pair of best friends. Me and jen we're walking behind them smiling.
"Guys don't cross yet" jen tells them and they stop and turn around. Jen looks at me so I looked at her too.

"Well..I guess I'll see you at work" she tells me. "Yup" I said and nodded my head. She paused and looked around biting the side of her cheek and looked back at me. "Text me?" "Is that a question?" "Hm..maybe?" She giggles and started acting shy. "Yeah I'll text you" I smile. "Okay" she says and leans in to hug me so we hugged. "Emme say bye. We're leaving now" "aww.." she pouts and let's go of Sofia and walks to me and sticks her arms up, so I carried her and she wraps her arms around my neck and smiles putting her cheek against my cheek. Jen squeals a bit and smiles. "You two are cute. Ugh. Sofia. Your mom is stealing my daughter so I'm gonna steal you" she jokes and we all laughed. Jen squats down and her and Sofia hugged. Jen kissed her on the cheek again. This is the second time I've seen her do that. Then suddenly Emme does the same to me right when jen looked back at us and she gasped. "Oh god" I said and giggled. I then put Emme down and we all actually finally said bye and went our separate ways. I guess it's obvious how much of a bond we all have together now. That's good right?
Like I promised Jennifer..well I didn't promise but like- I told Jennifer, im texting her now. It always feels good to text her. I still get nervous just talking to her. Of course we ended up talking all night. I cant stop smiling. I missed this. Everything is just going smoothly. The jokes, my sarcasm, her sweetness. Of course she brings up Emme too. I really like that about her. She can go on for days just talking about the most random things and I could sit and just listen because she's just so interesting to me. It's also cute because she send me paragraphs. It's not that long but she's just super comfortable to tell me shit.

"Lol. I missed this" I texted her

"Missed what? There's a lot of me to miss so be specific"

"😂😂 ok miss conceited. But this. The texting for hours about anything. We always have something to talk about and it's crazy how we are talking a lot tonight."

"Oh yea I know. I missed it too. I was always so bored not having someone to tell my thoughts to. Lynda was no help and I don't wanna bother all my other friends."

"Lol well I'm sorry again. I'll be here whenever you wanna talk"

"thank uuu. same thing with you. I'll be here :)"


"I'm going to sleep now. Nite nite💖"

Heart emoji? Oh wow


I guess I could sleep happily now.

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