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Jens Pov

"Emme come on brush your teeth already we're gonna be late!"

"My tooth hurts!" She cries out so loud. I sigh and walk over to the bathroom and she's playing with her tooth. "Stop touching it" I demanded her "it huurts!" She said more angrier. "Emme stop if you don't touch it then you'll be fine. Brush your teeth right now or else we're not going to Disneyland tomorrow"

She stayed quiet and cried while turning on the faucet and started to brush her teeth. I'm mean sometimes to her when she doesn't listen but it's already 7:35. We were supposed to be at Leah's at 7:30. Plus the traffic. I usually don't care if Emme is a little late but now I'm taking care of Sofia's time and Leah.

"Owww!" She yells out as I was putting her lunch together down stairs. I ignored and finished everything up then went back up to Emme. She was sitting on the floor crying holding her face.

"Emme I swear.." I pick her up and carry her to face the sink and I brush her teeth for her.

We finally left and quickly picked up Leah and Sofia.

"I'm so sorry I'm like almost 10 minutes late." I say as I drive fast "it's fine don't worry!" "I don't know what's wrong with Emme she said her tooth hurts and she's been crying this whole morning." "She's too young to have a cavity unless she's eaten a lot of sweets"

"She doesn't eat too much sweets. I only gave her a little extra last Saturday but I'm careful on that and I usually take her to the dentist when she needs to so I don't know"

"Hmm..then I'm not sure. Wait" Leah turns around to look at them in the back "Hey Emme what's wrong with your teeth?"

"It huurts" she whines "Emme" I say in a tone. "Mommy it hurts!" She yells. "Oh my goodness" I sigh to myself. "Emme let me see" Leah says.

"Oh..I think she just has something stuck in between her teeth"


"Yeah I see something there"

"Oh fudge Okay I'll look at it when we get there"

I'm nervous a little bit because I'm gonna be in the car alone with Leah. No distractions. She looks amazing too by the way. She dresses so nice for interviews. The first time she got home from her other interview I swear I was ready to be risky and make a move. When I hugged her that day I kept looking at her lips then eyes. So beautiful. Now she looks even better. Ugh. I know she can't be into girls. I just feel like she isn't but then I also feel like she's hiding something. That's just my senses though.

"Yeah. Go check it when we get there"

Once we got there it was exactly 8.
"Bye Mom" Sofia says to Leah and hugs her. "Bye love you" "love you too. Bye and thank you Jennifer"  "you're welcome baby" I say then get Emme out of the car who wouldn't even budge. I squat down to Emme and made her open her mouth. "See right there" Leah said and pointed "ohhh I see it now" I say and stand back up bumping into Leah. "Shit Sorry" I say quickly and go back to the drivers seat and bend over to reach for my bag to get some on the go floss that I bring. I look back and Leah's arms were crossed. I thought she was looking at Emme but I realized she looked at my ass. But I ignored that. Everyone looks at my ass.

"Here open your mouth again"

I finally got it out and Emme put her hand on her face. "Better?" I ask her and she nods her head yes. "Okay good. Come on. If you want Leah you could wait in the car I'll be right back" "Okay"

"Emme do not yell especially when we have guests" I say carrying her to her class. She pouts and burys her head on my neck. "No stop acting like a baby. If you don't change your attitude by tonight then no Disney" she pouts and wipes her eyes.

After I dropped her off I go back to my car. Leah was just on her phone.
"Sorry about all that. When emmes mad and sad it's brutal"

"It's okay" She says. I love her voice too wow.

I started to drive to my job. I had music so it wasn't awkward much.

"So what job did you get accepted into anyways?"

"It's at this retail store. Like the more known ones but they were so extra about the interviews but at least I got it. But if I get this job I'll probably quit my other two. I can't have three jobs plus a daughter" she giggled. "Yeah I get you. I think you'll get the job though leah. I'm the one interviewing and I kinda know you. You're just gonna talk to my sister after me and that's it"

"Well if I do get it..thank you in advanced. You've already helped a lot and like- we just met it's crazy. You're too nice"

"I sensed that we would be dealing with each other a lot when I found out how much emmes loves hanging out with Sofia"

"Yeah true. Emme is an adorable little one"

"Thank you. So is sofia! She looks just like you too"

"Haha Yeah. Everyone says she looks nothing like her dad. Just completely like me"

"Haha aww"

The talking stopped now till we got there.

She followed me as we got up to my floor and I went to my sisters office to introduce Leah to her.

"Lynda this is Leah. Leah this is Lynda my sister" I say and my sister walks over to us after getting out of her desk and shakes Leah's hand. I watched Leah the whole time and she seems nervous but it's kind of cute. Is that weird?

"Nice to meet you Lynda" she smiles.

"Nice to meet you too Leah. Oh jen I have a meeting in a bit so I could just talk to Leah now and you talk to her after since I'm leaving soon."

"Oh okay. I'll be in my office. Just show her where to go afterwards."

"Will do" she says and Leah looks at me as I start walking past her. "Good luck leah" I smile "thank you Jennifer" she smiles back and I go to my office. She has such a pretty smile. I told her everything she needs and prepped her a bit for talking to Lynda. I'm sure it'll be fine. My sister may seem scarier because it's her business but she's really nice. She's just really serious when it comes to work.

Later I heard a knock. "Come in" I say and it's who I thought it was. Leah. I forgot how good she looked today and seeing it again..just wow.

"Hey come sit" I say pointing to the chair at the other side of my desk "so how was it?" "It was great! She seemed like she really liked me. I was actually scared if you didn't notice but I hope everything goes well here"

"Actually Lynda asked you everything. I just have a bit more things to ask you"

"Oh- I- Okay"

I ask her those simple questions and she answered so easily. She's sounds so smart it's really attractive.

"..and guess what" I tell her "Yeah?"
"My sister confirmed with my right now through text..you're hired!" I smile and scrunch up my nose. Her jaw drops and she starts to smile so much and she seemed like she didn't know how to react. I already told her how much she'd be getting in just a month so I guess this is a huge luck to her.

"Oh my- Jennifer Are you serious? That was.. easy!"

"Yes!" I giggle and stand up and go over to her side. She stands up too and randomly hugged me and didn't let go for a while. I like this.

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