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Jens pov

When I say I've never been so in love with someone, I mean it. Leah's the only person whose made me feel like I'm worth something. She and Emme are my purpose..and also Sofia of course. I love sofia like a daughter too.

I love how Leah and I have similar stories. Like, we're both bi and have a daughter that goes to the same school. That's the perfect simple match that I've always wanted. This promise ring she gave me makes me happier than I could ever be. I've never had a promise ring like this. Only an actual marriage ring. I've never had someone be so sure that they'll marry me in the future. I love that she already knows she wants to spend the rest of her life with me..just thinking about it..I'm so excited for our future together. I'm so excited to give birth to my baby months from now and have a happy family with Leah. I mean..if Emme likes Leah it's obvious that she's the one. Emme's loves her actually which is even better. I'll only stick with someone whose approved by Emme because I do everything for her.
"Do you think it's time to meet each other's parents? Like actually get to know them?" I ask Leah while we were facing each other just laying in bed, after we messed around for a few hours. It was amazing by the way.

"Why all of sudden you're thinking about meeting them?"

"I don't know..It just popped into my head."

"Well..I'm ready whenever you are.."

"I'm ready..cause like- I'm having a baby and my mom needs to know I'm dating a girl who also wants to raise the baby with me."

"Yeah that's true..and I'd love to show you off to my parents. They'd be so proud" she said. I scrunch up my nose and cup her face. "Aw that's sweet" I said. "I don't know. I want my mom to meet you but I'm scared" I said

"Why're you scared? Doesn't she know you like girls?"

"Yeah but that was before I dated my ex. She's completely fine about me being bi but I haven't dated a girl when Emme was in the picture. Only before all that, so I don't know how she'd feel about having her grandchild have two moms."

"Oh..well.. we could talk to her about it..well you should first."

"Maybe..maybe you should join us for lunch or dinner or something. I'll just say you're a friend..for now"

"Or just say I'm your daughters best friends' Mom, smartie"

"Oh" I said and started to laugh "I'm
So dumb. But okay. I'll plan a day and let you know"

"Sounds good" She says and just smiles and stares at me. "I love you" I said softly. "I love you too baby" she replies. Every time she says it I feel so much better about everything. I really do love her like crazy.
Leah and I and the girls met up with my mom at a restaurant for dinner. I just told her to join us and I said my friend was coming along too and that her daughter is Emme's friend also. I guess imma just keep having her meet Leah until it leads on to a day I could tell her I'm dating her..? I don't know. Let's just see how this goes.

Emme runs to my mom the second she saw her and my mom ended up carrying her while walking towards me.

"Hahaha hi Mom" I said and hugged her. "Hi sweetie!" "This is leah and Sofia. Like I told you" I said and they greeted each other. I was sooo nervous.

We then sat at our table that the server took us to. Leah sat by me, Sofia sat on Leah's other side and Emme sat by my mom. She loves her.

We ordered our food and carried onto our conversation. Leah was being quiet and paying more attention to Sofia since I think she was acting shy. Aw.

"Sofia look!" Emme says. So Sofia gets up and walks over to Emme's side and stands by her chair looking down at her iPad. My mom looks at me and smiles.
"They're best friends huh?" My Mom asks us. "Yup. They're super close. They see each other like everyday now" I tell her then look at Leah and Leah just smiles. I reach for her hand under the table and use my thumb to rub her skin softly trying to make her feel a bit comfortable.

"She's a cute one too!" She tells Leah about Sofia. "Oh- thank you!" Leah says and forces a smile. I giggle and take a sip of my drink. "Is she your only child?" My Mom asks her. "Yeah she's my only child" "that's good! Must be a relief to you huh?" She asks Leah. "Yeah kind of I guess haha" "just like Jennifer..well..until she has her next baby" my mom says and smiles. "Emme is spoiled regardless. I still feel like I have more than one kid because she's a lot" I jokingly said.

"Well shes a blessing so make everything count" my mom says to me. "I know ma I know" I said and shake my head. Leah giggles cutely and- ugh. I was so close to acting all gay with her at that second but I stopped myself.

"She's also a single mom like me" I said to me Mom. I'm not single but..you know.

"Oh you are?" My Mom asks Leah. "Oh- Yeah. I'm a single mom." "She also works at my job" I said and Leah squeezed my hand. I noticed I was throwing too much information too quick at my mom that she doesn't need to know till later. "Oh under Lynda's company?"

"Yes! Lynda's company" Leah says. "Do you like the job?" "I loooove it. Jennifer lives two blocks down from me so we would sometimes carpool together and bring the kids to school then pick them up after school all together so they could have their little play dates after school."

"Aw that's cute! I like that you guys do that."

"Yup. It all works out" I said and looked at Leah again then looked at my mom. She gave me this look but I couldn't tell what she was thinking so I ignore it.

"Leah you're really pretty! So is sofia! I'm surprised jen hasn't mentioned you."

"Thank you" Leah says

"Ma" I said and widened my eyes. "What? She knows you're bisexual right?"

I sigh. "Yes ma but- just stop" I said and shook my head at my mom. "Not to make you uncomfortable Leah but-" "mom!" I raised my voice and Sofia and Emme both looked up. I know exactly what my moms about to say. "She always tells me about her girl crushes. You should be on that list. She's only had a few girlfriends..well not actual girlfriends but-"

"Haha..well-" "mommy I thought you and Leah are girlfriends!!" Emme blurts out and I look right at Emme with the most serious face I could ever have. Emme looks at me and suddenly she looked scared. She knows she just fucked up. I took a deep breath and Leah holds my hand tighter knowing I was about ready to yell at Emme.

"Emme I swear-" I grit.

"Jen don't" Leah says and pulls me back down from standing up. Emme goes in between my mom and Sofia's chair trying to hide because she was scared. "Mom I- what she means is..we are girls that are frie-"

"Don't waste your breath honey I already know"

"You- what?"

"It's so obvious..I know you would never just be friends with someone who looks that pretty. You would be crushing on her so hard"


"Then you kept smiling at her and I know you two are holding hands. I saw you kiss her while I was walking from outside. I'm your mother Jennifer. I know you so well. You could've just told me. I'm fine with it. You already know that"

"Yeah I know but- like now that I have Emme it's different and I thought you wouldn't want her to be even more confused with the two moms shit"

"I know you've grown mature enough and learned what to do to make the right decisions so I trust you. As long as Emme is okay with it though"

"She loves Leah Mom..it's so crazy"

"Well there. I'm completely fine with it."

I take a deep breath and look at Leah. Leah just smiles pressing her lips together then looks at the kids. I'm tired of Emme's loud mouth but she also saves me from problems like this because I didn't know how I was gonna explain to my mom.

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