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Jens pov

A week later

I'm at my sisters house helping her with a party she's throwing tonight. I'm having Leah come to the party later tonight since Lynda invited her.

I've been happy ever since Leah and I made up..The makeup sex was my favorite part..That's all we needed. To straighten things up. Now I don't have to worry about hiding it....and the best part is..she really wants to be the second mother..raise her like it's actually her child...and she's been treating Emme like she's hers too. I love the woman so much and I'm just so fucking happy things are slowly being settled. I'm so glad she gave me a chance to explain and I'm so glad she isn't mad about me being pregnant. She was at first but that's cause she thought I got pregnant from someone I messed with..but that's not the case.

After a few hours of setting up, a few guest came. I knew a lot of people here so I wasn't shy. I said hi to them all but I just wanted Leah here now. She's coming straight from the valleys so there's traffic right now. She'll be here in two hours which I can't wait for...I'm really attached to her.

I just sat with Emme while we ate. Emme didn't feel like talking to any of the other little kids I guess. She's just waiting for Sofia just like I'm waiting for Leah.

Later they finally came. Me and Emme went outside to help them since they had food for the party. Emme ran and I walked to the car since I was in heels while Leah already came out. I went up to leah and hugged her and kissed her cheek leaving a mark from my lipstick on her cheek.

"Hi babe" she smiles and kisses my lips for a second. "You look gorgeous!" She tells me. "Hiiii. You look gorgeous too!!" I smile. "You brought everything right?" "Yup" She said and opened the trunk and took out the food. I helped out by carrying some into the house with her. Then we went back out and she picked up a little decorative bag out of the front seat, bent over and all that. I squeezed her ass for a second and she stood up and gave me a look. "Our kids are right there stop" she giggles. "What's that?" I ask her. "A little something for Emme" she says and walks over to Emme and squats down. She said something to Emme that got Emme really excited so now I'm really curious.

"Wait what is it??" I ask and Leah shrugs her shoulders and closes the door. "Come on guys" She says and reaches her hand out to hold Sofia's hand and Emme follows. So do I. I'm confused.

Leah greeted my sister and her family and some people she knew. Just a few. Barely a few since most of these people are my sisters friends and then just some of our cousins.

"Babe what did Leah give you?" I ask Emme and just as she was about to respond Leah pulled me to her. "I love you so much" she tells me. "I-I love you too?" "Do you?" "Yeeesss" I said and she smiles. "Tell me what you gave Emme!" "What did I give Emme?" "Yes!" "I don't know. Go check" She says not letting go of me. I pouted and looked at her lips. "You're wearing the lipgloss I left at your place aren't you" I ask her and she giggles. "Maybe" "I looks good on you" "thanks" she smiles and lets go. I turn around and Emme and Sofia are gone. Walking upstairs to the kids room. What the hell. Leah did that on purpose. What's so secretive about the little gift she gave to Emme? It's not even her birthday or anything. In fact it's actually my birthday in two weeks but..presents might be a little too early.

"Did you eat yet?" I ask her. "I mean..I could use a meal right now" she says and eyes me down my whole body then looks back up at me. I couldn't hold my smile and I playfully hit her arm. "Stop! I'm serious! There's a lot of food here! Go eat" I said and pulled her to the food.

After she got food we sat down and I just went on my phone while she ate.
"Ow!" I said and looked up at her giving her this look. She kicked my leg on accident with her heels on. "Sorry grumpy" She said. I rolled my eyes then she decided to start playing footsies with me. I just kept my eyes at my phone but started to blush a little. She dragged her foot onto my leg slowly and I know she's looking at me but I'm not looking up. This went on for a few seconds then she decided to act childish and bring it between my legs. At that time I finally looked up and she laughs. "Babe stooop" I whine. "What's up with you today?" She asks me "Nothing I'm just really tired" "a lot of setting up huh?" "Yeah" I sigh and put down my food and watch her eat. Every single move she did. Like scooping her food then putting it in her mouth. She noticed and looked confused.

"What?" She asks "nothing" I say and continue watching.

She takes another scoop and looks right at me. She ate the food off the utensil then playfully licked it in a very sexual way. I widened my eyes and might've forgotten how to breath for a second and got goosebumps. I know she did that on purpose.

"Mm this is really good! Who made this?" She asks me. "I-I don't know. Maybe my sister" I said. "Oh cool!" She says and continues to eat normally. I shake my head and lean back crossing my arms. Maybe I'm horny. Maybe I'm not. I've been feeling weird since this morning but I can't tell what I want. But when Leah did that, suddenly I wanted what she did to that utensil, to do to me. It wasn't even that much but it looked hot.

"Moooommmyyy" I hear someone complain and of course. It's Emme. Her and Sofia walk to us and Emme climbs onto my lap and lays her head down on my chest. Sofia rubbed her back as she was standing by us.
"What's wrong?"

"Her tummy hurts" Sofia said. "Oh no" I said and tilted my head to look at Emme. "Is it really bad?" I asked and she nods her head. Now I don't wanna ask Emme what the present is. Well not yet.

"Lemme ask if Lynda has something she could drink for her stomach" I said and stood up and put Emme down. "Babe watch her" I tell Leah. Emme walks to leah then sits on Leah's lap and Sofia took my chair.

I got back after a few minutes to them but brought Lynda with me and something for Emme to drink. As she drank it, she was still on Leah's lap.
"Ewww" Emme says and makes a face at Leah. "Gross huh?" Leah asks "Yeah" Emme responds. "You have to finish it if you want your tummy to feel better baby" she tells Emme. "Ughhhh..fiiiine" Emme complains and finishes it. Why does she listen to leah more than me?? If I told Emme that I'd have to keep trying to convince her while she whines like crazy. But not with Leah. She always listens to leah.

"Lynda, do you know what Leah got for Emme?"

"No? What did you get her Leah?" Lynda asks. Leah tells her to get closer to her and she whispers it in her ear.

"Leah!" I said with my voice raised. She quickly looks up at me and raises her eyebrow giving me this look. It's this certain look that just makes me stop and freeze and just put aside whatever I was going to say. She's got a mean look that I love ugh.

"As I was saying Lynda" she said and looks back at Lynda and kept whispering. I'm about to- actually I don't know what I'm about to do. Too many people here to throw a fit or some shit. I don't get why she isn't telling me what she got for Emme. It's for Emme! Emme is my business so I should know.

Once Lynda heard what Leah said Lynda smiled and looked at me.

"What?!" I asked and Lynda shakes her head and giggles. She rubs Leah's shoulder and smiles at her then walks away.

"Leah I swear.."

"Swear what?" She asks innocently. I squint my eyes and shake my head. Now I'm annoyed ugh

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