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Jens pov

I got to leave work early just cause I had Leah with me. Perks of having your sister as your boss. We went out for lunch. I offered. I wanna get to know her more too so this is perfect.

We were sitting in a booth looking at our menus trying to figure out what to order. After ordering we just automatically started talking about stuff. It's easy to continue a conversation with her I love it.

"Oh gosh.. so you know how I work as a waitress?"

"Yeah" I nod and look as her as she spoke. Then I realized her eyes are so pretty. She literally just has plain brown eyes but wow. I think cause I'm observing her too much already. We just met. It's crazy how we just met and I easily gave her a job. That's how you know I'm so distracted about liking her that I didn't really think about any bad side of this. Hopefully it turns out great.

"isn't that crazy?" She says. Oh great I didn't even listen.

"Yeah I know! So crazy"

"Yeah" she giggles a bit calmer and looks away. "I just think customers don't understand what waitresses or waiters go through. Every time I go out to a restaurant I try my best to be nice because if not, that could be me dealing with peoples bullshit"

"Oh- yeah. Working as a waitress is fun" I say

"No I- no?" She laughs "did you not listen to what I said?" She hesitated.

"I-I.." I pause and shake my head. "I'm sorry. There was something going through my mind. I was listening at first but I got a little distracted. Can you tell me again?"

"Oh that's okay. I was just saying how this one lady was trying to boss me around then she called my manager and told her the same thing I already told her so she was proven wrong. Like why would you eat from a plate then ask for something else when you completely enjoy what's on your plate now? Then she didn't wanna be charged extra? Dumbass"

I giggled "well there's a lot of dumb people out there. If only they knew what the employers go through."

"Exactly.. but I'm going to quit thanks to you..I still can't believe it"

"Well believe it. I'm happy to help. Especially for Sofia! I know already somewhere in her heart it hurts for her to like- sacrifice things. Cause she knows what you do for her. I know she's still young but it's a mother daughter same thing, you know what I mean? This single mom stuff is a lot of work. I get it all."

"Yeah. It's so hard. Sofia thinks I'm like the strongest person in the heart but I'm really not. I hide it from her because you know.. you don't wanna see your mom all sad and suffering and shit"

I kind of pouted. "I'm sorry you had to go through that. You shouldn't have had to"

"Yeah well..my ex legit just left money for me to get sofia and I an apartment. That's it. Since I didn't have a job cause of him that's him repaying." She says and rolls her eyes.

"He really just left you like that? Why?"

"It just didn't work out"


Our order comes just a few minutes later. Finally. I was starving and I love to eat. I eat a lot.

"Thank you" we both say to our waiter.

"So how about you? You looking for any new man in your life?"

"Right now? No. I'm scared to bring a man into mine and Emmes life. Emme is too little to understand and I don't trust any man. Well I could but it'll take a very long time. My ex also hated the fact that I'm also into girls. He thought I could easily cheat on him with a girl but I would never. I'm so loyal but we got divorced anyways"

"Oh so you're like- you're bi?"

"Yea" I shrug then take another bite of my food "I'm open about it so"

"Does Emme know?"

"Mmm well not exactly. She just knows I call other women pretty. So that doesn't really show anything."

"It's funny cause one of the reasons my ex left me was cause I was also into girls"

Once she said that I nearly choked but I tried so hard to hide it.
"Oh- really?"


"Wow..I never thought I'd meet another... bisexual Mom"

"Me neither" she giggles

She's into girls?! That's even better. I just don't know if I'm her type. Ugh. This is gonna be hard now. I'm gonna see her like everyday. I'm her boss. I take care of Sofia's ride in going home. Emme and her are becoming like best friends. I'm gonna be seeing a lot of Leah. I thought letting her work with me would be an easy and helpful way for me to see her more and to support sofia but.. she's into girls. This could be my chance. But I really don't want to force anything since we both have children. I'll just enjoy her presence while it lasts I guess.

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