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Scarlett's POV

Taylor picks up our plates and puts them in the kitchen sink, quickly sitting back in her seat. She looks at Joe, then back at me.

"So, Scarlett. We're going to go shopping to get you some clothes. I'm letting you pick out anything
you want, But I need you to listen to me." She looks at me with a serious look on her face, and I nod. She hands me a pair of sunglasses. "You have to put these on. You cannot let go of me at any time, you have to walk as fast as you can, and you cant talk to the paps, or really at all." I nod again, trying to take in everything she said. Taylor grabs my hand, reaching for her purse and phone, waving to Joe in the process. "Bye babe!" She yells before she closes the door.

I keep up with Taylor by running as she guides me through the crowd of people with cameras. They crowd around us, and it's hard to move. They keep bumping into me, tapping my shoulders and pulling my hair. I wince as my hairs pulled once again. "It's ok, we're almost there." She assures me as the car comes into view. I speed up, eager to get to the car. Taylor looks back at me and smiles at my enthusiasm. My hand leaves Taylor's as I'm yanked backwards by my shirt, and I fall flat on the concrete. My back starts to hurt, Taylor pushes her way through the crowd (literally), sitting down beside me, trying to calm me down by singing safe and sound. Now you can't even hear camera clicks, it's so silent. All you can hear is her singing. "It's ok, baby... I'm sorry." She says softly. I open my eyes, and I see tears in Taylor's. "I'm so sorry." She buries her face in my chest, and we both cry. We just sit there until I stop screaming, even though I'm still crying. Taylor carefully picks me up, and I bury my face in her jacket. Immediately everyone clears and there's a path to the car.

"You still up for going shopping?" She asks, trying to smile for me, walking over to the car.

"Yeah, why not?" I say in between sobs. She places me in the car. "But why are you crying?" I ask her as she sits next to me in the car.

"Um, because I love you." She smiles at me, looking down. "You think I asked Ed to look out for you so I couldn't meet you?"

The rest of the trip is silent.

Taylor occasionally asks me if my backs ok, which I reply to as yes.

Well, now this shows that she cares.

I guess.

(A/N: Ahhh

~Nicole x (I can't be bothered to type two "x"s)

Safe and sound (Taylor Swift adoption) (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now