Tumblr posts.

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I was greeted with stares of disappointment from everyone in the hallway of my school. 

I absolutely hated it. Everyone hated me, and I have no friends since Grace left. Sometimes people have the audacity to say, "No one could hate a pretty face like yours," when I ask anyone if they hate me. But they always end up rolling their eyes at me as they walk away, which they think I didn't notice.

As I walked to get my books from my locker, I saw pretty much the whole hallway staring at me. One of the girls from my class sashayed up to me, a devilish look plastered on her face, and the whole hallway started snickering. 

"Hi, Scarlett!" She said, overly cheery for a Tuesday morning. "Hi, Hannah..?" She smirked as she swiftly pulled out a plastic water bottle, bringing it above my head and pouring the whole thing on me. laughter erupted from the hallway. "Aww.. oops, clumsy me. Sorry, Scarlett!" I could see an even bigger smirk slowly spreading across her face. 

I stared at her with blurry eyes.

I made it out of the school just before tears started pouring down my cheeks, and I literally sat outside under a tree for the rest of the day.

As I walked in the door of the orphanage, Miss Handley greeted me with a smile. "Scarlett! You're back! How was school?"

"Good, I guess," it was terrible.

"Good. Now go wash up for dinner, please." She ushered me up the stairs. "Don't want to be late again!"

"Actually, I'm not really hungry." I lied through my teeth.

"Ok then." She cupped my face in her hands. I really wanted to scream at her, tell her to let me go. She wasn't my mother. "Why are your eyes red?" She asked.

I tried to think of an excuse. "I... got mud in my eyes." I faked a smile. "I fell over and a puddle just happened to be there."

She looked at me suspiciously, but her expression eventually relaxed. "I see.. well, just relax for now. I'll call you when it's time for bed." 

I ran up the stairs, into my room, and closed the door behind me. 

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and opened a text post on tumblr;

I totally didn't have a whole bottle of freezing cold water poured over me today. I definitely wasn't laughed at in the hallway of my school, and I definitely didn't sit under a tree for the whole day because everyone hates me. Honestly, Taylor could kidnap me and never let me leave her house and I'd thank her because,, NO SCHOOL. If you're going to walk all over me, please just do it, because that seems like its everyone's favourite thing to do.

I posted it and turned off my phone, not even bothering to check all of the 0 notifications that I knew wouldn't come pouring in. I just sat in the corner of my bedroom, waiting until I hear Miss Handley's bedroom door, which meant I was free to wonder about the house freely.

(A/N: Again, sorry for the short chapter! Taylor comes in next chapter! AHH IM SO EXCITED! Last update for tn, my computers almost dead, and I don't have my charger :( Love you guys!

08/05/19; still laughing at my terrible writer self


edited 08.05.19

Safe and sound (Taylor Swift adoption) (EDITING)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ