She sees.

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Taylor's POV

As I pull up out the front of a restaurant, I see a swarm or paparazzi surrounding the building Joe told me to go to. I check my phone. 1:30pm. I smile. "Just in time." I get out of the car andI peer in through the window. I see Joe. He's sitting at a table near the back of the place.
"They must be looking for me.." I run back to the car, pulling my black leather jacket and sunglasses out of the back. I put them on, tilting my head down as I walk past the huge crowd. I pull the hood over my head and open the door to the restaurant, almost falling over when I'm pushed out of their way. Sighing, I take off my jacket and sunglasses. Joe is still staring down at his phone as I sit down. "Joseph Alwyn!" I say, snapping my fingers in front a of his face, and he jumps.

"Taylor," he says.

I can't help but laugh. "When did you get here..?" He asks, a look of embarrassment spread across his face.

"About.." I pull out my phone. It's 1:33pm. "Three minutes." I say, crossing my arms over my chest. "Want to tell me why you where staring at you're phone for so long?"
His eyes widen. "Look," he says, and hands me his phone.

I stare at him for a moment before directing my eyes to the screen. He was on Tumblr? I start reading through the post,

I'm at rock bottom right now. I hate the way everyone looks at me. I feel like I'm letting everyone down. Now I know why my parents left me here. I bet they gave me the same look everyone does at school. Every time I hear safe and sound, I burst into tears. All I can imagine is myself in Taylor's arms . I'm crying into her shoulder and she's saying to me, "shhh, calm down. everything's ok, I'm here now." I'm just so sick of everyone treating me like a fucking barbie doll. I'm not. I'm obviously not wanted here. Nobody needs me. I'm just and idiot that everyone thinks they can walk all over. Well go ahead. walk all over me. I don't care anymore.

I cant even imagine what this girls been through. I scroll down. wow, her post has been shared over 200 000 times, reblogged over 147 000 times, and has just over 350 000 likes. I tap on her profile. When I see that she's a fan of me, I immediately burst into tears.

"Taylor?" he screams. "Taylor!" My hands start shaking.   "I cant let this happen," I whisper. By now I'm well aware the paparazzi are screaming my name, asking me questions.

"Taylor, why are you crying?!"

"Taylor, is Joe cheating on you?"

"What did you find on Joe's phone, Taylor?"

Joe grabs my arm, leading me through the back door. I burry my face into his shirt, hiding my face from the crowd of people. I don't what people to see me like this. As we walk, he wraps his arm around my waist. "Taylor it's ok. We'll fix this." he wipes the tears falling down my cheeks and kisses my forehead.

As we approach the car, Joe screams out, "No comment!" And I smile to myself. Its nice to know he's so protective of me. That's one of the things I've always liked about Joe. Even when I've said something he doesn't agree with, or we've been in a fight, he's always protected me. From all the paparazzi, from the media, heck, he even stoped me from potentially breaking my arm right after we'd been fighting. But that's a story for another time.
The car door opens and I slide myself into the passengers seat. Joe walks around the front of the car, getting in and locking the doors. I put my sunglasses on as Joe starts the car up. as we pull away, my mind goes straight back to that girl, I think her name was Scarlett. I smile, thinking of my songs, New Romantics and Love Story. She's lucky to have that name, its just so beautiful. I watch as Joe's hair moves around in the wind, and eventually my eyes shut.

(A/N: Here you go! I think this is longer thank chapers 1 & 2.. // Sorry I didnt update yesterday, my Wifi was down. shoutout to @lindskapCimi! thanks sooo much for voting on the first two chapters, even though there was basically nothing goin' on!


Thanks sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much for all the support!

Love you guys!!!! ~Nicole xx

Safe and sound (Taylor Swift adoption) (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now