chapter 23

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           where oh where are my keys


                      We got back to the hotel and the police had arrived. They were checking the room but found no evidence. They took fingerprints but nothing yet. We decided to go back out and look but Zach had lost his keys. We checked every room that we had and couldn't fine them. We went back down to the front desk to talk to Lisa. She was in a bad mood. I didn't ask why.

L-What's wrong this time? She said it very sarcastically.

R- well, my brother lost his car keys. We couldn't find it in our rooms.

          The phone rang.


L- the maintenance man found them. Go on up.

R-thank you.


We headed up and the guy was standing at the sink. His hand couldn't fit through the drain so one of us had to do it.

I was about to put my hand in the drain and stopped.

   what if it's a trap. I mumbled. Zach pushed me aside and shoved his hand down the drain. We heard a loud gurgling sound and bloody chunks came flying from the sink. Zach pulled his hand out to reveal a bloody hand. No fingers missing, just alot of skin. We could see the bones of 3 to fingers. We ran down to the car and Christy' s sister drove. Zach got the keys. We got to the hospital and found Christy sitting in a chair. They got Zach in there quick and we talked with Christy. Chuck was in the hospital. His stomache was cut open. We left for home the next day. Chuck and Zach would fly back together after.



        We got home late. Like, really late. around 9 pm.

Christy' s sister drove us home and Ashlynn and Hayes slept over at my house. The next day Chuck And Zach arrived. Zachs hand was all bandaged up and Chuck had This wrap all around his stomache. We Just took it easy that day. Christy, her sister ,and Chuck were leaving next week so we all hung out until then. When they finally had to go we drove them to the air port and waved goodbye as they boreded their plane. We drove back home and crashed on the couch. I was all snuggled up with Ryan when His phone rang. He fell off the couch and I jumped on top of the couch causing it to fall backward. The couch was placed in the middle of the room and it fell back. We laughed and he answered it. It was Christy.

‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡Zach's pov‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡

I answers the phone.

R-hey how was the flight home.

C- oh, it was good.

R-what's wrong?

C- we might have a problem.........


sorry about the cliff hanger. I guess you'll have to wait until next time. :) lol. Thx


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