chapter 8

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       Oh sweet Jesus

I called an ambulance and they came..I rode in the back with her. I called Ryan and he was in his way.

When we arrived at the hospital Ryan was already there with Courtney. We all watched and Courtney and Ryan held her hands.

It was a boy. Nothing further important to know.

They named him:




He was cute. Angie held him first. Then gave him to Ryan.

Ryan gave him to Courtney.

I stood there and watched. Courtney passed Him to me. He was so light.

9 1/2lb.

He looked just like his mother.

Except,,,.well,,,, smaller.

We hung out for a while until Courtney and I had to go. We had a flight to catch.

We said good bye and promised to come visit.

We Both woke up late and rushed around. Country's mom drove us to the airport. Courtney hugged her and her mom kissed her forehead. I just hugged her. We promised we would visit soon. With that we boreded our flight.

I had a window seat and she sat in the isle. And we had a like, 45 year old in between.

And he wasn't normal. It was creepy. We just kept passing a note pad back and forth so he wouldn't see. Until he yelled at us and we put it away. When we landed we couldn't stop laughing. The guy was so rude and mean. We thought it was hilarious.

When we got home Allyssa was in the barn.

She grooming John. Lucy was all shined and jumping around when Courtney walked in.

She jumped on and rode around the pen.

I thanked Allyssa but took the brush and put it on the ground. I picked her up and put her in the front. Then I got on behind her. We rode around for a bit until her mom called her home.

We put the horses in their stalls and went inside. We cooked steak and beans with mashed potatoes and some rice.

We ate and talked about Ashlynn and Hayes. The door bell rang. We both got up and walked to the door. Ashlynn and Hayes were standing there. I noticed something flashing on Ashlynn's ring finger.

"HOLY SHIT", Courtney screamed and I congratulated them.

"Uh, what?, Ashlynn said.

Your ring, I said.

"Oh. That )she said taking it off and showing us( My dad bought that for me.

She slipped it back on and we invited them in. It had only been an hour and We had a warning. Flooding  and hurricanes and well, yea.

The weather took a turn for the worse and flooded the street. Ashlynn And Hayes, were stranded here.

"Lets watch a movie ", I suggested.

We all agreed on a movie. ' 22 Jump street

I sat on the sofa with Courtney. We had the A/C on so we huddled under a blanket together.

Ashlynn And Hayes Cuddled on the couch. We all laughed at pionts and when it ended we decided to go to bed.

Ashlynn And Hayes slept on the couch while Courtney and I,,in our bed.

The wind picked up. The rain fell harder.

I couldn't fall asleep.

A/N I'm really really sorry for the short chapter.

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