chapter 9

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    I grabbed my phone to check it. It was Christy. She was in the car going home. It was 8 In the morning. I said "ok " and went back to bed. I was awoken again by the house phone this time. It just kept ringing so I finally got up and answered it.



C- Heyyy..I have some news.

R- what happened

C-we are In the hospital

R- For what?

C-My sister crashed the car

R-is she ok?

C-she has one broken leg ,a broken arm, two broken ribs, and she broke her ankle.

R-is somebody coming to get you.

C-My parents I hope. But they left for London this morning.

R- I'm sure you can fly in.

C-ok I'll get a ticket. the airport is across The street. Ill call you when I land.

<><> click<><>

She hung up. I ran to my parents room to tell them. I opened the door to find an empty bed and clothes all over the floor. I ran downstairs into the kitchen. On the fridge was a note.

Dear Ryan,

     Your dad and I went to the hospital. We think He had a heart attack. Ill Call as soon as I can.

I love you,

   I froze. What was I going to do.  The phone rang. I quickly grabbed it and hit "TALK".


M-Hello, Ryan?

R-yea mom. Hi

M-Your father had a heart attack.

R-yup. I read the note

M-he's stable now. but they have to keep him here.

R-ok, but can I ask a favor?

M-yeah. What is it.

R-well, Christy' s sister got into a car accident is in the hospital. her parents are in Florida so can she stay with us. she's on her way and is going to call when she lands.

M- oh.Well of course. But u should be asked.


M- I'll be home later



<><> click<><>

it rang again

<><> Christy<><>

C-I landed. see ya soon



I cleaned up the house a little. Grabbed my coat.  And sat on the steps outside. Angie was walking and up and sat down next to me. Hey,she said shyly. Hi, I said excitedly. What up with you she demanded. Christy is coming here. She just landed about 10 min ago.

Oh, she said sounding concerned. I told her every thing was alright it was just a car accident. Yea, she boomed, what about our crash. It wasn't "just a car accident" she mocked. I nodded. A cab pulled up and Christy came out with her boyfriend Chuck. I welcomed them in and told Christy that my mom would be home soon. She said ok and we ordered a pizza. When it came we all sat at the table like a family and ate. My mom got home at around 10 and we all went upstairs to watch a movie. We all went to bed at 12.  I woke up at 4 and wondered downstairs to get a snack. I found Christy in the kitchen eating some pancakes. I looked at her. Want some she said weary. Please. I asked. She got up and handed me a plate. I've been waiting, she said laughing. I started laughing but we couldn't make a lot of noise. We ate and talked for a while. we went back to bed at around 5. We all woke up at around 10 and were hanging around in the basement. Christy and I were playing pool while Chuck and Angie played air hockey. Angie wasn't the best, but neither was Chuck. Then we heard a knock on the Door. I went up to answer it.

                             Chapter 10

                       One angry Ashlynn

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