chapter 7

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                             friendships and relationships.

                  Ashlynn, Angie, and I hang out all the time now. Fred an  Patrick tag along too though. Yesterday Ashlynn introduced her boyfriend Hayes. He was pretty cool. They did almost everything together. Fred and Patrick left to go home but Angie, Ashlynn, Hayes, and I all went out. We each had a pair of roller skates so we skated around our towns. We ended up going to my house because I have a spare room. We watched a movie that night that had Angie holding on to me for dear life. We ended falling asleep together in the floor wrapped up in a blanket. The month before Sarah had broke up with me because  she was moving to Oregon. I didn't think I'd make it but Angie was there to help. Ashlynn and Hayes ended up going to the spare room to sleep. I woke up at around 3 a.m and moved Angie onto my bed and went to check on Ashlynn and Hayes. They were sleeping so I went back to my room. I cuddled  up with Angie and fell asleep. We both woke up at around 11 and went down stairs to find Ashlynn and Hayes eating breakfast. We joined them and decided to go out tonight. We spent all day together and me and Hayes became pretty good friends. He was in some of my classes but a lot. We had English and math together. We went to Ashlynn' s house so she and Hayes could changed. We ended up going to a really fancy place with all our parents there too. Angie, Ashlynn , Hayes and I got our own table. Far away from our parents. It was so great. I finally got to have dinner with my favorite girl. We ate. Had fun. Then went to Angie' s house. She had a mansion as I would call it. She had 3 extra rooms, but we only used one. Ashlynn was the first to fall asleep but Hayes brought her into one of the spare rooms and said good night. Angie passes next so I just cuddled with her and fell sleep. We were awoken at around 5 from a loud bang. By now it was pouring out. It must have started some time after we crashed. It was thundering and lightning out and Angie's mom came running to our rooms. We all followed her to the back of the house where we saw maybe a 60 foot tree had fallen and crushed the back porch and shattered the bay window. She told us all to go to bed but we didn't. We all fell asleep an hour later and woke at 12. We helped her mom clean up and waited for the workers to come. She they came my mom picked us up. It was still pouring out. We drove Ashlynn and Hayes home. Then I went home alone. I sat at home for 2 days straight while it poured out. After  it stopped I called Hayes and he and Ashlynn came over. Angie came over later on. I was going away on vacation for a week to New York City. Angie was coming with me but I wanted Ashlynn and Hayes to come too. My parents agreed and their parents agreed. We were leaving in a couple days. We were all pretty excited. Ashlynn had her friend Zoe tag along too. She was cool though. We were all looking forward to it. When it came we all got into a bus and left. We're driving to air port after we went to the diner down the street. We ate and boarded the plane.  I sat with Angie and my brother. Ashlynn , Hayes and Zoe all sat together. This was going to be fun.

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