chapter 21

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                rescue squad

               Chuck' s pov

         The bedroom door swung open even though I had locked it. These two big buff guys walked in and one grabbed my arms and swung me around. I hit the wall hard. They flipped the bed around causing Christy to fly into the air. One grabbed her and the other grabbed me. They ran down the hall, down the stairs, and onto a black van. Ryan and the gang were nowhere insight.

                                        Christy' s pov

   I Heard the bedroom door hit the wall hard and felt Chuck get lifted off me. The Mattress went up in the air and flew right off it onto the floor. I was picked up and thrusted over some guys shoulder. I kicked him and screamed loudly, but nobody would come out of their rooms. I was thrown into a van and hit my head on a cage. Chuck helped me out by ripping his shirt a little and trying to stop the bleeding. Where was my sister and the gang.


              We all walked into their room and it was a complete mess. Blankets all thrown around, food and cooking utensils all over the floor. Even the bed was turned over. It was crazy. We searched the entire room and found no trace of them. Their phones were left on the night stand and their clothes were all ripped up and thrown across the floor. We searched our rooms but nothing. We went to the lobby and waited in line infront of the front desk. Their were two girls and a guy in front of us and it took a while. The guy was raving on about how his A/C wouldn't work and the two girls were afraid of a spider on the wall. When it was finally our turn we walked up to the desk. The girl sitting behind the desk was named Lisa.

L- May I help you?   She sounded pissed off and annoyed.

R-Yes, my friends room is totally trashed and the door is broken in. We were wondering If you could help search for them.

L- Hold just a moment. She got on the phone and called maintenance.

L- please show the man to the room. The police will be here shortly.

R-yea, thanks for all your help. I tried to smile but it didn't really work and she sort of snickered at me.

                          Zach' s pov

    Oh my God im fucking freaking out. If we don't find the kids in going to get in so much trouble.  I don't know what else to do. The police still haven't got here and the Maintenance man is still checking out the room. Oh my fucking God Im dead.

                            Christy' s sister's pov

                I had to call my parents and I'm probably grounded for the next month. I reached my pocket for my phone. *Shit*

It wasn't there. I had let Christy see it so she could show Chuck a picture. Oh my God. My phone. She has it. I ran Into my room and grabbed Zach' s cell. I had GPS tracker on my phone so I logged into my account and traced it. I ran back to the group.


what, they said and they all gave me a really confused expression.

They are in the next town over.

We ran to the car and drove to the next town. We found the van and pride open the doors. It was empty. And there was my phone. With what was written in blood on the wall was

                                                   GOOD TRY

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