chapter 8

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                         the homeless and the snotty

                The plane touched down and we were all relieved to be in NYC. It was chaos getting off the plane. Just too many people. My cousin Christy met us there with her boyfriend Chuck. They were in our grade so it all worked out. I put my Arm around Angie' s waist to let all the other kids know she was mine. Hayes did the Same thing to Ashlynn. Chuck was holding Christy close. Her sister drive up and we all got in. Our parents didn't come. It was my brother and her sister. We got dropped off at her apartment. We started walking around the streets. People kept knocking into us and tripping us. At one time we got a little to far from our group but we came back. We saw homeless people all over the streets. It was a little disturbing. We saw a play that night. Angie ended up falling asleep on my shoulder. Me and Christy were the only ones who stayed awake because we liked things like that. It was fun. We all went back to her apartment afterwards. We ordered a pizza and ate when it came. Me and Angie crashed on the couch while Christy and Chuck were in her room. Zach and her sister Slept in her sisters room and Hayes and Ashlynn crashed on the opposite couch . Zoe was stuck with a sleeping bag on the floor. We were all awoken by a loud bang and sirens. There was a knock on the door. All I could smell was smoke. I grabbed Angie and Grabbed Hayes by the arm. He grabbed Ashlynn and  we all made it out. It was 5 In the morning. I wanted to go to bed. The furnace had caught some wood on fire because of a malfunction. Everything was good though. We went back to bed and woke up at 10. We went downstairs to a diner and ate. We ordered bacon, toast, waffles, some cereal they had, orange juice, and milk or water. After we ate we headed out to the shops that lined the street. We went into about a million clothing stores but we all bought something as a souvenir. The next day we went downtown to the park. We spent all day there and we had a picnic. It was a very crowded city. When we got to the apartment it was really late. We all settled to our places and drifted. We woke up pretty late. It was our last day In New York city. We didn't do much. We had about an hour before our flight. We just chilled inside and played board games. Around 3 we were driven back go the airport. We sat where we had sat last time and got settled in. It was fun. We all comparing  pictures of what we took. I ended up falling asleep on the plane. As did Hayes and Zach. All our parents were there. Except for Zoe' s, she was with Ashlynn. Our parents took us home and Angie ended up coming over again. She left about 3 hours later though. I was texting Christy All night.



R- what's up?

C- not much. Im just sitting around. you?

R= laying in bed. Its really boring.

C-yea it is. My sister is already asleep.

R- yea. So is my brother. nobodys awake

C-I am. Im awake.

R- me too.

C- yep. I should probably get some sleep. Im going back home tomorrow.

R- that's cool. hah

C- yea. Its a long drive. Haha. Ill talk to ya later.

R- yup. text me when your in the car. :)

C- yups. :p night.  :)

R- Nighty night.


end of conversation.

I ha  nobody to talk to. I close my eyes. And drifted away.

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