Testing the limits

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Chapter 1

This is me

My name is Ryan. I Have short, thick blond hair. I'm 15 and I love soccer.

I live in South Carolina with my parents and my older brother Zach. He has long, thin brown hair and is about 5'9. We are both in High school and for those of you who are also in High school. It's hard. My parents are always pressuring us to get good grades. The only time we don't get yelled at by our parents is at soccer. That's when we get yelled at by our coach. Me and my brother are really close. We may fight sometimes, but we can get along 're good at times He is only 2 years ahead of me. So it's not so bad. My brother is my only real friend. Except for my dog Rufus. He is only 3 years old. I do almost everything with him. He is a York Russel terrier. He goes to my soccer games, helps me with my homework, and finds the things I've lost. He's a good pal. I have maybe 3 friends who actually hang out and talk to me. Angie, Fred,and Patrick. They can be sort of scary sometimes l, but they are cool. I sit with them at lunch. Angie has really long black hair. She always braids it though. Fred has Short brown hair and freckles all over his face. Patrick has short blond hair like mine. My girlfriend Sarah has long brown hair and brown eyes. She always has it in a pony tail. I try to take it out but she gets upset. We hang out all the time. We do home work, we ride our bikes down the lake that is on the other end of town. That's where we sit and chat. Sometimes we will have a picnic. We have this special tree that hangs out over the lake. Sometimes we sit in it and look at the creatures passing under us. Sometimes there might be a turtle or just a school of fish. Its pretty cool. We both like it. Sometimes my brother will join us. But he will drive us there. The lake is open most of the year. in the summer we can swim in it and in the winter they let us have ice skater competitions. Its really fun. I'm really good at ice skating. So is my dad. My brother and mother, not so much. They can barely stand without collapsing. Its sort of funny but it hurts a lot. The prom is coming up soon. Just 2 more months. I can't really dance, but I guess that's the fun of it. My dad offered to teach me how to dance but I said no. I'll live and learn. He didn't seem to find it funny, but I was ok with that. It was going to be fine.

Chapter 2

The game

This was the first game of the season. This game determined how good I was and how good my team mates are. Last season, we didn't win one game. Now, I hope my team can actually do something. I was always benched, But not this year. I will prove to my couch that I am better than these guys. But how to do that. My couch let me out. I was a defender. I had to get the ball. The opposing team had the ball first. they kicked it my way. The opposing player got the ball before I could reach it. My leg slid under his as I tried to get it. I fell while he got away. That didn't please my couch. So I got back up and ran to get the ball. As he went to kick it into the net I stole it. What now? I asks myself. I just kept kicking it until I reached the middle of the field. Then and there I kicked the ball as hard as I could. My team mate got it, but not for long. As soon as he got the ball he fell over it and the opposing team kicked it right at me. I didn't know what to do so I ducked to the ground. Only to have the ball soar past my head. I jumped up, but the ball was to far past me to get. The other team already had the ball. This wasn't going good. The other people on my team were trying to get the ball but were too small. I jumped in between them and when I went to kick the ball I kicked the kid right in is shin. He yelled and fell to the ground holding his shin. I stood there and stared at him. His shin was already black and blue. I felt really bad but now he couldn't play. But I didn't do it on purpose. His team mates all gathered around. They picked him up and he let out a moan. No need to say, I made an enemy that day. I didn't know what to do. I could hear my coach screaming at me to come over to him but I couldn't move. I only started to move when my coach grabbed the back of my Jersey and pulled me off the field. The game went on, but without me. Almost everybody on the other team was glaring at me. I made an enemy of that whole team. Even my coach wouldn't look at me. I didn't know what I was going to do. The game went on perfectly fine. Without me or the guy I hurt. After we won the game I went home. There was no reason to stay with the team and hang out. They were all upset by me anyway. Its not like I did it on purpose. That night I did what I do best. I took my trusty razor blade and slipped a little bit off my wrist. Oops. I stuttered. As some blood dropped on my carpet. I quickly grabbed a red shirt and tried to get it off. Since my carpet is blue you don't really notice it. But ill always know it's there. I grabbed some band aids and ran to the bathroom. As soon as I ran to the bathroom and shut the door my mom knocked. I froze. Are you ok, she asked. Yup, just fine. I heard her walk away and I twisted the handle. As I ran my wrist under water I froze again. There was a white towel in the bathroom. Not the red one. I just kept running my hand under water. I threw the band aid on really poorly and shut off the water. I ran back to my room and shut the door. I grabbed my towel and locked the door. I ripped off the band aid and held back the pain I was now feeling. I squeezed my wrist into the towel. I heard footsteps passing my door. I heard knocking and saw the door knob twisting. I grabbed the band aid and but it on my wrist again and opened my door. My mom was standing there again. Are you ok. Yes, I stuttered. She looked around my room. My blade was in clear sight but she missed it. Ok, she said then closed my door and walked away. I ran back to the bathroom and bandaged up my wrist the right way. After that I went down to dinner. What happened to your wrist, my dad asked. Nothing, I just cut it while I was making lunch earlier, I lied but he didn't seem to care that much. We ate dinner in silence after that. When I was done I got up and walked back to my room. I put my blade away and threw my towel in the laundry. Tomorrow would not be a good day.

Chapter 3


I woke up bright and early. I turned on my lamp to find blood. My must have bleed in my sleep. I had blood all over my blanket. I was doomed. I got ready for school like nothing was wrong. But before I went outside I grabbed my sheets and blankets and threw them in the washer. As long as she doesn't figure it out. I might still live to see tomorrow. School would be worse. Im sure every body knew by now what I did. I fractured the kids growth plate. He was on crutches now. I don't think I'd be signing his cast. My parents were worried that he was going to sue me. But he wasn't like that. I went through my schedule fairly slowly. Today was going to be a long day.

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