"Fine" he hops into his bunk and we go back into mine. Going back to the way we were sat, my head on her shoulder.

About 10 minutes later I feel something vibrate against my leg. I pull my phone out my onsie pocket. Noticing the group twitter going crazy. I open it up to see why and the most recent one...

Aw jerrie cuddled up in jades bunk, cuties😘 #jerriecuddles xjesyx

And the picture of us attached to it. I scroll through some of the comments from our mixers.

@thirlsbracesx - awwwww #jerriecuddles

@lmforlife - nice one jes :) #jerriecuddles

@jerriemoments - I hope they're not getting it on in there ;) #jerriecuddles

I laugh at the last one and decide to reply.

@jerriemoments Well if that's what you call watching friends, were getting it on ;) #jerriefriendsfun jerrie x

After that, the fans go wild! I know a lot of them actually do ship me and Pezz. But we have Zayn and Sam, actually speaking of Sam, he text me before.

Have fun on tour babe, I'll miss you x

I smile and text him back.

Thanks we will :) I'll miss you too x

"Whatcha smilin about poopey?" Perrie asks

"Sam text me"

"Oh.." She nods "that reminds me, Zayn texted me earlier" she picks up her phone from her pocket.

Zayn. Ive never really liked him to be honest. Yeah he's a sweet guy and all but I don't think he's right for Perrie. She can do better if you ask me.

Perrie's been acting weird lately, when ever she gets a text of after a phone call with him, her mood just drops. I hate seeing her like that, it breaks me knowing that he's upset her.


Sam. I've always hated that douche, he often ignores Jade when the rest of the diversity boys are around. She can do so much better than him. I feel bad for her whenever it happens, she's in love with him so she can't see it.

I look at the text from Zayn.

Enjoy your tour, it'll be fun x

No I'll miss you or anything like that? He's not the Zayn I've been dating, he's been acting a little different over the last month or so. I don't know what's wrong with him, but I can't even talk to him often because he's touring America with the boys. I just replied.

Yeah thanks, see you whenever x

"You alright Pezz?" Jade asks from beside me.

"Yeah I'm fine" I curl up closer to her and she does the same to me.

"Maybe we should go see what they're doing?" Jade suggest.

"Why not eh" she switches the TV off and tucks it back away in the compartment. I jump out the bunk and help jade out too.

"Thanks hon" she smiles and walks into where the the sofas are, that are currently occupied by the girls.

"Cuddle buddyyy!" Jesy smiles. I jump down next to her.

"Cudduwls" I smile cuddling into her. Jade sits next to me and Leigh on the other side of her.

"So what we watching?" Jade asks. Jesy smirks.

"Insidious 2" Jade immediately looks scared.

"But jes I don't like scary movies" jade whines.

"You'll be fine baba" she smiles and cuddles up to me.

"Thanks Pezz"

About half an hour in, it got a little scary. Jades hiding her face in my neck. I pull her up and put her on my knee. She hides her face against my collarbone. I hide behind her, but make our faces close to each other.

"You alright baba?" I ask. She turns her face and looks in my eyes.

"I'm fine, it's just a bit scary that's all" their was a loud scream come from the movie. Her arms lock around my waist, I could tell at that point that she was terrified. I put my arms around her waist and she instantly settles.

"You sure?" I ask rubbing her back as she gets more scared.

"Nahh not really, it's fucking creepy!"

"You want to go lie in bed?"

"Please" she nods. I pick her up and she wraps her legs around my middle, her head still buried into my neck so that she can't see the screen. I go through and put her in her bunk and I hop into mine.

"Better?" I ask turning to face her, she does the same.

"Much thank you"

"Good" I smile.

"How's Zayn?" She asks, noticing how I was earlier.

"He's fine...I think" I sigh.

"What do you mean?" She asks confused.

"Here, read these" I unlock my phone and pass it to her, letting her read through Zayn and I's conversation. "He's not the same anymore, something's going on"

"I bet he's just stressed" she tries to help, giving me my phone back.

"I guess, but there's something telling me something's going on" I bury my face in my pillow. I feel a hand on my back and the mattress dip a little. I move the pillow, watching her stroke my side.

"Hey i bet he's just stressed because he hasn't had any Perrie lovin' in a while" she wiggles her eyebrows.

"Only you" I laugh.

"What? I'd kill for a bit of lovin' like that" she winks.

"Is Sam not good enough for to take care of your needs" I joke.

"Nah, I think someone else could do better" she smirks. I look at her and burst out laughing, she started giggling. A sound that instantly warmed my heart, causing butterflies.

"You crack me up Thirlwall" I move some hair off her shoulder.

"Of course I do" she smiles. "Now you sleep and don't worry your pretty little head" she tucks me in under the covers and pecks my forehead.

"Nighty night jadey" I feel my cheeks heating up, as well as on my forehead where she kissed me.

"Nanite baba, love you" I look at her smiling at me from across our bunks.

"Love you too" I make an air kiss and close my eyes. Falling into a deep sleep, thinking one thing.

Why is Jade making me feel this way?


This should have been up this morning and I've been trying to put this up since I got home and it's finally worked 🙌

I was laughing/crying so much in geography I couldn't breathe! Amber the new girl, is basically me😂


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