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being friends ,i guess , with the losers club was like a whole new entry. stanley and eddie i actually liked. stanley was a happy baby and always made me smile and so did eddie, even though he was always stressed about something.

richie and bill though, well they are kinda hard to like. richie just tries to get in my pants all the time, or at least jokes about it to damn much and bill well the same. i've noticed bill and beverly acting strange like when they are around each other beverly gets all red and bill just flashes a smile to her.

i'm going to ignore that for now, but i'll make sure to talk to her. i looked up from my cereal to the house phone, should i call him?

richie told me to call him to meet him somewhere. but i was really debating if i should. maybe i'll call beverly and see what she's up too.

i slid out the wooden seat and got to the house phone. i sat on the little table and dialed beverly's number. it only took a few rings and she picked up.

"hey" i said and twisted the curly wire with my index finger. "hola amiga" i laughed a bit and leaned my head back "hey what are you doing today?"

"uh i'm i can't hang, i have things to do?" she was a horrible liar.

"boo you whore" i sighed and hung up the phone. i pouted and stared at my cereal that was most likely soggy by now.

i'm most likely going to regret it but i'm really bored and richie can most likely entertain me.

"hey richie" i said as i closed my eyes sighing. "baby! you called me actually" i heard the smirk.

"yea, i'm not your baby but yea i called" i rolled my eyes. "where are we meeting?" i asked him looking down at the floor.

"library" he said and hung up. i looked at the phone, okay rude as fuck.

<time skip>

well i didn't really plan my outfit good, i stupidly decided to wear some black shorts and a band tee that had some rips. i'm so basic, but besides that it was fucking cold!

i could freeze my tits off!

i skipped some steps and got to the front doors of the library. i opened it and was hit with warm air, i sighed in full relief and looked around for richie.

i spotted him in the comic book area.

that's the richie i know. i walked over there and stood next to the boy who was so intrigued with the comics he didn't even notice it was me.

i looked at him quickly and back down again "hi" i said. he looked my way "oh hey" he said grabbing a comic book and laughing a bit.

"so why are we here?" i asked grabbing the comic he had in his hands. i flipped through the pages, i really don't get these. "duh the comics are good as shit" he grabbed it back and walked over to a table in the corner.

i followed him grabbing one comic book that looked cool. i sat down down on the cushioned seat. "is this literally why we came here?" i put the comic on the table and crossed my arms on the table.

"we can make out if you want. no one comes back here anyway" he said pulling his comic down a bit. "i rather read comics" i roll my eyes and grab the comic leaning back.

i opened it to the first page and scrunched my brows. how the hell do you read these? like where do i go next? to the left or down wards. but then there is words on the side and bottom. gosh i hate comics too damn much.

i glanced over at richie who was really into the comic. i looked back at mine and tried again, nope. i groaned and closed it putting it back on the table.

i looked at richie again who flipped the page and kept reading. i looked away to the other side and saw more people reading or doing something. i leaned back in my chair and started to pat the chair making a random beat.

this is really boring, i expected more from richie. but i guess he was in nerd mode right now. i sighed quietly and decided to try again. i leaned forward and grabbed the comic again opening it to the first page.

nope! i give up and slid the comic to the other side of the table. i looked back at richie who was so looking at me. he looked back down i smirked and sat up straight "were you staring at me?" i asked him.

"yea" he shrugged and put his comic down. "oh okay" i hate that he's so honest it sometimes just kills the conversation quickly.

"how can you read those?" i looked down at the comic. he shrugged "ive been reading them since forever it just easy for me" he looked down at the book.

"hey...we should get ice cream" i smiled like a little kid who was told they can get as much candy as they want. "are you asking me on a date?" he raised a brow.

"bih please, no i just want ice cream" i laugh a bit and get up. "booty" he smiled and pointed to my butt. i turned around and flicked him off walking backwards.

i bumped into a book shelf, richie started laughing. i groaned and rubbed my back. richie finally got up and made his way next to me. "so a book shelf can make you make that noise when i can do so much more" he smirked and leaned up against the book shelf.

"i literally hate you tozier" i shook my head and scrunched my nose and brows.

"no don't say that you don't i know you don't" he smiled and put his up hand for a high five.

i declined it and walked away "i'll be waiting outside" i waved at him from behind and walked out.

fuck it's still cold as shit bricks. i saw richie put the comic back and jog to the door. he took his bomber jacket off and put it around my shoulders. "it's just me being nice don't attack me" i adjusted it on my tiny frame.

i laughed and thanked him, jesus this makes me feel like a child. the jacket fit him perfectly and it fit me as a long dress. what type of fuckery is this?

"let's go get ice cream my dear" he marched down the steps. i noticed he had a bright blue palm tree buttoned shirt. i smiled and followed behind him, "wait i don't have long legs like you" i said hoping he would stop but he only went faster.


daddy issues|| richie tozierWhere stories live. Discover now