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Annabeth was sitting with Piper on Piper's bed. Said brown haired girl kept glancing at the blonde sitting next to her. Annabeth was scrolling through picture on her phone, most of her and Percy making silly faces. Piper grimaced as she saw the soft smile on Annabeth's face. 

When Annabeth paused her scrolling on a picture of just Percy, he was smiling faintly as he stood on the beach facing the sea, Piper got an idea. "You know my favorite picture of you two is this one." Piper pulled up a picture on her phone and showed Annabeth. 

The picture was of Percy and Annabeth dancing. They had been in the park hanging out with Piper and Jason, it was dark out and you could just see the stars through the leaves of trees. Percy was twirling Annabeth, both with wide smiles on their faces. Jason and Piper could only stare at the pair of them at the time. For there hadn't been any music playing, only the song playing through the earbuds Percy had been wearing in one ear. 

Annabeth smiled as she remembered. Percy had stopped her when one of Annabeth's favorite songs came on. It was 'Can't Sleep Love by Pentatonix' Percy had taken his ear buds out and put them both in Annabeth's ears, and his phone in her coat pocket, before he started twirling her around and dancing with her. 

She remembered that Jason and Piper had wondered of, but apparently Piper had taken a photo. "Send that to me!" She smiled before going back to scrolling through her phone. 

"When are you two just going to face facts?" Piper scolded as she sighed. 

"What do you mean?" Annabeth was confused. What could Piper mean? 

"You mean you really don't know?" Piper blinked in surprise, of the two Piper would have thought Annabeth knew. "You and Percy are obviously soulmates! Really Annabeth? You couldn't tell?" Annabeth blinked before she started laughing. 

"Yeah right Pipes. Like that would happen." Annabeth scrolled some more before Piper took her phone from her. Annabeth tried to take it back with a bit of a yelp but Piper shook her head and held it away from them. 

"Annabeth, what's your tattoo." It wasn't a question. 

"A black horse, the sea, a skateboard and a sword. Why?" Annabeth was mad now, why was Piper doing this?

"Who does that sound like?" And Annabeth's shrug Piper got angry. "A black horse, like a certain boy with black hair and who likes horses? The sea, like a certain green eyed boy with obsession with the water? A skateboard for a boy who is a skater who took you to a skate park? And finally a sword, for a boy who had been taking sword fighting lessons for six years now?" Annabeth's eyes blinked before she sat back on her knees. 

"Piper. . . really?" Annabeth couldn't believe she hadn't seen it. What would she do? Could she just tell Percy? What if he already knew? Surly if she hadn't figured it out. . . BUt he always was observant. . . "What do I do?" 


Jason and Percy were at Jason's house, Thalia was out with a girl named Zoe. Jason bit his lip as he thought about his girlfriend's words. "We have to talk to them, it's goon on far too long." Seeing as it was February and very close to Valentines day, he guessed this was as good a time as any other. 

"Hey Percy, how are you and Annabeth?" Jason tried to breach the subject as Percy was focused on his phone. 

"Fine, we're close as ever, Why? You feeling abandoned?" Percy asked as he fake pouted. "You've been spending so much time with Piper, I would have figured it be the other way around bro." He teased. 

"Percy. . . About Annabeth." How did he say this? "Um never mind, you mind telling me your tattoo, you haven't told me yet."

"It's fine dude. It's a grey owl with books around it." Percy said it so casually. Jason just gaped at him. "Jason, do you really think I didn't figure it out?" Percy shook his head, "I'm not that dumb."

"Then why haven't you said anything?!" Jason questioned as he turned to the black haired boy. 

"Because she deserves better than me. If she wants that she would say something. If I figured it out, do you really think she didn't? I'm not about to force that on her, not when she could have so much better." Percy shrugged and closed out of his game to show his home screen, a picture of Annabeth drinking coffee with a foam mustache.

"Why do you think like that?" Jason couldn't believe his ears. 

"Because it's true."

"No it's not! Annabeth is head over heels for you, and I don't think she has figured it out! Come on Perce! She obliviously loves you!" Jason couldn't believe his cousin. 

"Well, if she says that to me, we'll see. But I'm not taking your word for it." Percy stated even as the words hit him in the gut like a punch. 

Jason just had one question in his eyes, "Why?"

So It's You? (Percy Jackson Soulmate AU)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora