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I woke up on July 12th, my 16th birthday with a sense of dread, most everyone does. For on everyone's 16th birthday they wake up with a tattoo on the small of their back. This tattoo will determine the rest of your life. 

This tattoo will describe your soulmate.

I know, cheesy right? I was just hoping my wasn't stupid. Some people get things with beach balls or dancing food, if their soulmates are that weird. 

I rubbed the sleep from my eyes as I pulled my grey robe over my shoulders. I didn't want to glimpse my tattoo before I was ready. Because it had been a hot night I had gone to bed with only a sport bra and shorts on. 

Padding over to my mirror I took a deep breath and turned around. After closing my eyes I let my robe slip from my shoulders and fall to the floor. I opened one eye and sighed, it wasn't ridiculous. Definitely not what I expected, but it wasn't awful. 

The bottom was a turning sea, waves falling over one another, riding those waves was a black stallion, running over the waves with it's messy main flowing out being ripped by a wind I couldn't see. The horse's eyes were sea green and churned as much as the waves. The stallion had a mark on it's back flank, a brand like a stake board. 

I dressed and headed down stairs. My family was in their own worlds, Bobby and Michel-my half-brothers-were playing around and ruff housing. Helen, my step-monster, was in the kitchen being a trophy wife she always wanted to be. My dad was pacing in his office, working even on the day he was home. Each and everyone of them seemed to forget that this day changed my whole life. 

Go figure. 


On my 16th birthday, July 1st, I was so nervous. My gut twisted and turned, this day effected my whole life. I woke up in my purple pj set and climbed out of bed. 

I had to walk into the bath room and unbutton my shirt. With a lump in my throat I took my shirt off and turned to see my back. The tattoo was elegant yet fierce, feminine yet wild. A dove soaring through the sky with feathers in her mouth.

The eyes of the dove didn't seem to have a color I could pinpoint, but they had a proud gleam that said 'mess with me and you'll regret it'. Around the dove delicate arches of bright pink flittered through the sky. They arched and curved making swirls around the dove's wings. 

I couldn't help but grin, that tattoo was so cool!

Thalia, my sister who just happened to be one of the few people without a tattoo, knocked on the open bathroom door. I turned to show her my back and she whistle. "Looks like you might have gotten a fighter." She teased. I grinned at her.

She didn't have a tattoo but that just meant she didn't have a specific true love, she could wind up with anyone. We spent the day hanging out before I called our cousins to come over for my birthday. 


On my birthday I jumped out of bed and threw off my night shirt. I had to see my tattoo! I've been waiting for forever! Unlike one of my best friends, a certain blonde with an obsession for reading, I was pumped to finally get my tattoo. 

I am a bit of a hopeless romantic . . . Annabeth would say I am a 'complete mess of girly feelings even though I don't look like it'. But hey, just because I don't like heels doesn't mean I can't dream about falling in love! 

I made my way to my vanity, a stupid over-priced monster my father had bought me four my fourteenth birthday, in my pj shorts and night shirt. I didn't even sit down as I pulled up the bottom of my shirt and looked at the small of my back. 

It took my breath away. 

An eagle soared through a storm cloud, it's bright blue eyes flashing like lightning. Speaking of lightning, arches of yellow so light it looked white arched through the clouds and around the eagle. The eagle had marks around it's eyes a bit like glasses. All in all it was amazing!

I grinned as I jumped on my bed sighed, I hoped I would get to met him this year. 


It was August 18th my birthday. I rolled out of bed and ran a hand through my hair. I had mixed feelings about today. Well not mixed, more like they were all bad. 

I didn't want a tattoo, not because I was asexual or anything like that, but I didn't want someone to have to be shackled to me because some random tattoo said we were 'meant to be'. I was hopping to be someone without a tattoo like my cousin Thalia. But I guess luck just wasn't on my side as I made my way to the bathroom to look in the mirror. 

On the small of my back was a grey owl with it's wings spread wide and a proud gleam to it's eyes. The bird's eyes flashed with intelligent and the books stacked up under it's spread wings just proved my theory. I was destined to be with a nerd. 

Could be cute. But I didn't want to get my hopes up, especially when I was determined not to make anyone have to put up with me for the rest of their lives. I scratched at my bare chest before stumbling to the kitchen for breakfast, my mom fawned over the tattoo and I let her. 

My mom had a tattoo but it had gone dark. Her soulmate, my dad, died before I was born. He died in a fishing accident. After a few years my mom married a guy named Gabe, after he was. . . let's say dealt with, she met Paul. He is someone without a tattoo, and is my new stepfather.

Let's see how this was going to play out.

So It's You? (Percy Jackson Soulmate AU)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя