Hanging Out

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Nico and Hazel had us all come to hangout at their house. They wanted us to all get to know each other. But I knew it was just them wanting to spend time with their cousins but not make us feel left out.

That's why we all sat in the living room at their house. The floor was a dark grey wood, the walls were black and so was the couch. I sat on the couch with Piper, Hazel, and Nico.

Jason sat on the ground by the couch. Frank sat in the arm chair to the right of the couch. Will was sat at Nico's feet. Percy was sprawled out in the middle of floor on his back.

We were talking and joking around when Nico brought up something. "Oh hey Piper, Annabeth. You turned sixteen over the summer. So did you Jason, Percy. Mind telling us what your tattoos look like?" Nico had his head cocked to the side. He looked a bit like an emo puppy.

"I don't know... I just... I honestly think that the tattoos are stupid. It doesn't matter what my back says." I spoke up. I didn't want to discuss this with people I hardly knew. Nico sure, yeah I'll talk to him later but Jason and Percy are in the room.

"Well I don't see the big deal about them anyways." Percy let out a laugh. "Honestly I just feel bad for who ever got stuck with me." He smirked.

"Why?" Piper asked. Jason, Nico and Hazel whipped their heads around saying don't with their eyes. But it was too late.

"Because I'm not the best person to get stuck with. I could make you a list of you want." Percy smirked again and waved his had around while talking.

"Like what?" I asked. He didn't seem too bad to me. Maybe a little bit crazy but all my friends are like that.

"Well there's the fact that I'm a dumbass." He met my eyes and I saw he truly believed this. "There's the fact that I have gotten kicked out of every school I've ever attended." He counted on his fingers.

Nico cut him off. "Percy just stop!" He looked furious. Percy gave him a salute and went back to tapping his fingers. Hazel looked about to cry and Jason looked like he wanted to hit something.

"Percy. If you need a tutor I can help." I said softly. Percy looked over at me.

"I've tried the whole tutor thing. Doesn't work." He rolled his eyes.

"Give me a shot. I swear I can help." He looked at me considering. He nodded and laid his head back down.

"Anyways let's pick out a movie." Frank said trying to lighten the mood. Percy jumped up and smiled, completely different from the self-loathing a minute ago.

"I'll go get snacks! Who's coming with me?" Jason hopped up and the two boys left to go to the kitchen.

"Nico what was that all about?" Piper asked. Nico looked thoughtful.

"You know how our dads are all brothers? Well mine and Jason's are alive. Percy's isn't. Percy wasn't even born when his dad died. His dad had gone on a business trip with some fellow workers for the ocean cleaning group and the ship got caught in a storm." Nico began. He looked down and Hazel grabbed his hand.

"Well after that his mom got married to Percy's step dad when he was five. The guy was nice at first but . . . Turned." Nico swallowed. "Well we didn't know anything was wrong until two years ago. Percy snapped one day and it led to Gabe, his step father, finally getting arrested."

Hazel picked up for him. "Gabe was not a nice man. Percy's mom couldn't leave him because of money problems. Gabe made bail because of one of his buddies. He was on strict orders to not go anywhere near Percy and his mom." Hazel shook her head. "He did. And when he did Percy um . . . He got home after Gabe got there and took care of him in self-defense." Hazel was whispering now.

I had a hand over my mouth and Piper had tears in her eyes. Percy... A few minutes later Percy and Jason walked back in. Percy was laughing and smiling as he skipped. Jason shook his head behind Percy with a smile on his face. They sat down the snacks on the side tables.

"Okay. What movie?" Percy asked cheerfully. We all just bit our lips. But I shook my head and smiled at him.

"How about Avengers?" I asked. He whooped and put the movie on, everyone sat down. I moved down to sit by Percy, he smiled at me and I smiled back.

By the end of the movie Jason and Piper were talking and Percy and I were leaning on each other. After goodbyes everyone left. I really hoped we got to hangout again. Jason and Percy are really nice.

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